Bug in survival game

Chapter 1080 The Truth of the Game 4

Chapter 1080 The Truth of the Game 4
"The second time was in the mythical period thousands of years ago. At that time, the gods, the immortals, the monsters, the humans... all major races lived together on the mainland of Kyushu. After thousands of years of fighting, the gods, the immortals, the monsters Withered, the human race stood out and stood at the top of the Blue Star Pyramid, representing the world consciousness to fight for the origin of the world."

"In today's modern Internet age, what kind of mythological dramas and cultivating immortals do you have... Actually, those are all the real existence of Blue Star."

As soon as these words came out, an idea popped up in the minds of all the players——

I rely on! ! !

really! ! !
This...how is this possible? !

The administrator knew that what he said was like a fantasy to the players who never knew the truth, so he was not surprised by the reactions of the players, and continued: "Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. "

"In the Blue Star of that era, there were immortal cultivators in the east who could fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and all kinds of elf mermaids in the west also existed in reality."

"But because of the loss, those former Blue Star civilizations have been wiped out. Only a few human races survived as fire, and then slowly developed to this day..."

After listening to the administrator's words, the players couldn't calm down for a long time.

Some players asked: "Then now, is the third parallel world competition? Are we representing Blue Star to fight for the origin of the world?"

The administrator nodded: "That's right."

"There is still some time, if you have any questions, you can ask me now."

As soon as this remark came out, the players asked questions in one go:

"There are so many Blue Star players, why are we the only ones here?"

"Where is the current progress of the game?"

"How do we win the game?"

"... Are those dead players really dead? Is there a chance to revive them?"

"If we fail, will our current civilization be wiped out? Including all of us?"


The five administrators answered the questions of the players respectively:

"After multiple rounds of dungeon inspections, your overall strength or one of the parties is the most outstanding, so you were selected and came here."

"Currently, there is only one final decisive battle left."

"Win the decisive battle."

"Whether it can be saved or not, we don't know for sure, but in the decisive battle, if we can get the first place, maybe we can..."

"Blue Star has already entered the final round. The entire Blue Star has been preserved and will not be destroyed, but the Blue Star Civilization may not be the case. Life or death is all in your hands."



On a star observation tower.

Lin Wuxia looked solemnly at the immortal old man in front of him, and said, "So, the next dungeon is the final decisive battle?"

"That's right." The old man stood with his hands behind his hands, with a benevolent look on his face:

"There were still a few more rounds, but a few worlds behind them moved a little bit, and the rest of the neutral world directly suppressed them."

"Right now, the number of competitors is greatly reduced, so the decisive battle is held in advance, which is why I sent you here."

The old man's tone was full of seriousness: "You are the boss of 'Miracle Red', please pass on the news after you go back, so that everyone is ready for the things to be said next."

Lin Wuxia nodded: "Okay."

Even if the old man didn't mention it, after Lin Wuxia went back, he had to report it to the people above.

Then, the old man said several important matters one after another.

"The final decisive battle is divided into two parts. Players from all camps will 'guard the gate' to resist the invasion of other players. If they are captured by players from other camps, the entire camp will be eliminated, and the other side will go to find the 'gate of life' , the camp player who finds the Life Gate first will be the final winner."

Compared with the party looking for it, the duty of the party guarding the ring is more difficult and dangerous.

"What are the specific rules for guarding the gate?" Lin Wuxia asked.

"For each camp, there is only one gatekeeper, who alone faces the invasion of all players from the other camps."

Hearing this, Lin Wuxia looked a little astonished.

This... is too difficult, right?

Lin Wuxia: "I can take on the task of the gatekeeper."

The old man shook his head slightly: "No need, World Consciousness has already found a candidate on its own."

Lin Wuxia frowned and asked, "Is it reliable?"

The old man raised his head slightly and looked at the starry sky outside the window: "We can only trust the person appointed by the world consciousness."

Seeing this, Lin Wuxia couldn't say anything more, and continued to ask the next question...


(End of this chapter)

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