Bug in survival game

Chapter 1087 Final Jihad 2

"The other camps also have 400 players plus a gatekeeper. Even if we are confident that we can kill the 400 players, the last gatekeeper is too mysterious and dangerous to attack directly."

"Or just borrow a knife to kill people, expose their camp position to third-party players, and let them bite dogs."

"It's also easy to expose our position. The distance between us is only 10 kilometers."

"When I went to investigate just now, did you see which world the player is from?"

One of the [Assault] team members who was left behind made a sound at the right time: "The human body of an alien beast, with an average height of about two meters, has dark scales on its body, which looks a bit like armor, and it can move. There is a tail behind it. That faction of players seem to enjoy being near water."

He is the first player to discover the enemy camp, and also has the most outstanding latent ability, so he can approach the enemy for detailed observation.

"It's the giant crocodile from Shatan."

"I went to do a professional copy of that world once, and I was still impressed. The above characteristics are very consistent."

Some of the players quickly guessed the identity of the players from that camp.

Lin Wuxia took out the giant crocodile data stored in the game panel and sent it to all the Blue Star players: "Look, these are the giant crocodile data collected by the alliance."

"Dude, you have been to Star Shatan, let me tell you more about it."

The face of the player who has been to Star Shatan is a little hard to say: "The main race of Star Shatan is the giant crocodile man who can be armored and the ordinary race who cannot be armored. Over there, the latter are slaves and tools. The giant crocodile is enslaved by the giant crocodile, and the giant crocodile is brutal in nature, and takes pleasure in torturing ordinary people, and from time to time he performs a show of tearing a living person with his hands."

"From the outside, we Blue Stars are [-]-[-]% similar to ordinary people on Giant Titan. If they know the location of our Holy Gate, they will definitely make trouble."

At that time, in order to complete his professional tasks, he suffered a lot under the hands of giant crocodile armor, and the world over there also had his arrest warrant.

"Giant Star players are not allies of our Blue Star, on the contrary, they are very likely to be hostile to us."

"So, there is no possibility for us to reach mutual non-interference?"

"Then strike first!"


Two hours later, two more [Assault] teams that went out came back.

"The situation within a radius of [-] kilometers is basically clear. This is the map drawn." A leader of the assault team handed a map prop to Lin Wuxia.

This map prop can digitize the environment that the user sees to form a map.

Lin Wuxia glanced at it, took a photo with the game panel, and uploaded it to all Blue Star players.

After doing this, Lin Wuxia turned to look at Su Tingyu and other members of [Looking for], and said:
"How to deal with the Shatan star players is a matter for our [Assault] team. Now that you have figured out the nearby terrain, your [Search] team will set off immediately to find the gate of the end."

"That's good." A captain of the search team responded aloud.

"We have 6 teams, looking for them in 6 directions."

"Then we choose Southeast."

"We choose the north side."

"The west is ours."


After confirming the search direction of each team, they set off separately.

"Be careful." Lin Wuxia patted Su Tingyu on the shoulder, and then looked at Harik, a non-order member of the same team: "You too."

This time, five non-order members entered the final dungeon: Su Tingyu, Lin Wuxia, Halic, Ling Jue, and Char Siu.

The non-order members assigned to the [Search] team include Su Tingyu and Harrick.

Lin Wuxia and Char Siew were in the [Sneak Attack] group, and Ling Jue was in the [Guardian] group.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Understood, boss."

Harrick smiled shyly: "I will take care of myself and Sister Susu."

Gu Qi and Fatty walked over.

"Finished? Then it's time to go."

"Boss, I smoked the east side, and we are looking for it in the east direction."

Before entering the dungeon, the fat man exchanged for the Dream Restoration Potion, which solved the problem of obesity and weakness.

At this time, in the dungeon, he became a tall, thin and handsome handsome man. It took Su Tingyu several days to get used to the fat man's "new skin" before entering the dungeon.

Fatty was originally assigned to the [Guardian] group, because Fatty was covered with props and abilities for defense and escape, so it didn't seem appropriate to be divided into the two teams of [Sneak Attack] and [Search].

It was Su Tingyu who was lucky enough to mention the fat man, and was finally assigned to the [Looking] group.

no way.

People in the Celestial Dynasty do not respect ghosts and gods, but believe in metaphysics.

"Let's go!"

Su Tingyu took one last look at Lin Wuxia and the others who were staying behind in the bunker, and then followed Gu Qi and his group to leave the place.

[Looking] After all the members left, the blue star players who stayed behind unconsciously followed the eyes outside.

...We must find the gate of the end!
...for our loved ones, for our homeland!

"They have their battlegrounds, and we have ours."

Lin Wuxia's voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly in the ears of every Blue Star player: "The first battle is to deal with the giant tank star! Weaken their camp as much as possible, and relieve the pressure on the [Search] team!"

After the words fell, the originally slightly heavy atmosphere suddenly became excited.

"Those crocodile cubs! I have long since disliked them!"

"Fuck them!"




Su Tingyu has a team of 25 people, and they have already worn the [Electromagnetic Resonance Same-Frequency Headset] when they set off. You don’t need to speak, you just need to move your mind to pass on your thoughts to the other 24 people, or you can choose a person to pass on. .

25 people is equivalent to having a temporary "chat group".

5 players with defensive ability clear the way in front, and 5 players with stealth ability are behind, responsible for cleaning up the traces left by the passing team.

The remaining 15 people are arranged in a row of 5 people, and the left and right sides remain vigilant. The 5 people in the middle can relax a little without spending too much effort. rest".

The most important function of this "rotational rest" is to ensure that no matter what time, the energy and props of the five people are almost not lost, and the combat effectiveness can be preserved to the maximum extent.

Not only Su Tingyu's team, but the other five [Looking] teams basically have this configuration.

Fatty was assigned to the frontmost defensive team, and he and the captain Gu Qi decided on the route of travel.

Fatty uses his sixth sense, while Gu Qi is in charge of precise judgment.

The group of people who just came out were not too nervous.

Seeing the nervous face of the fat man in front, as if he could jump out of enemies anytime and anywhere, a player on the left couldn't help but tease: "Fatty man, don't lead us into the ditch."

"Do you look down on Fatty? Fatty has the halo title [European Emperor Reincarnation], and there are only seven places in Parallel Paradise."

In Parallel Paradise, some halo titles are bad, some halo titles require specific conditions to be triggered, and some halo titles are "out of print" halo titles, like Fatty's [European Emperor Reincarnation] No matter what, the eight people will never activate this halo title again.

They are all from the Celestial Dynasty, and some metaphysical blood is normal.

And Fatty's "metaphysics" has been officially certified by Parallel Paradise.

"I try not to bring everyone into the ditch..." the fat man smiled honestly.

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