Bug in survival game

Chapter 1099 Final Jihad 14: Blue Star Gatekeeper

In the desolate desert.

The only response between the heaven and the earth is the whistling wind and sand and the sight of desolation.


In the most eastern and most sunny position, stands a majestic holy gate, like a giant stone sword inserted straight into the vast land.

Lonely, desolate... It seems that the only companions are wind and sand.

far away.

In the desert, there were no people, but a series of footsteps were slowly printed on the ground.

In the wind and sand, it seemed that someone was talking.

"This is the 'portal' of the Blue Star Gatekeeper?"

"Damn it, why is it all wind and sand, bah bah..."

"These gatekeepers are all perverted, so can't they conjure up a good scene?"

The wind and sand blew past, and ripples seemed to be aroused in the air, and transparent figures were looming.

They are not the first time to enter the Holy Gate of the alien camp, and they are not completely inexperienced.

When they first entered the holy gate of the foreign camp, the game panel popped up in due course, giving some information disclosure.

Inside the Holy Gate, there is nothingness.

The scene presented in front of him was completely transformed by the state of mind of the gatekeeper of the faction.

Some gatekeepers turned into skyscrapers, ecstasy;
Some gatekeepers transformed into continuous mountain peaks, the sky is high and the earth is wide;
Some gatekeepers transformed into a scary ghost town, and the wind was raging...

Inside the holy gate, the gatekeeper has an absolute advantage. Everything here will follow the gatekeeper's will and automatically transform into the most suitable thing for the gatekeeper.

Therefore, it is theoretically impossible to kill the gatekeeper in the holy gate and destroy the core of the holy gate.

However, when entering the holy gate, the first task is definitely not to fight desperately with the monster-like gatekeeper, but to destroy the core of the holy gate.

No matter how powerful the gatekeeper is, there is only one person.

Also, gatekeepers have numerous restrictions.

First, the gatekeeper cannot leave the core of the Holy Gate within a radius of 300 meters, and cannot attack places within a radius of 300 meters from the core of the Holy Gate.

Second, the gatekeeper cannot communicate with the outside world.

Third, the gatekeeper cannot use healing and recovery props and skills. Once seriously injured, he will just die like an ordinary player in the end, exhausting his vitality.

"Ghost, why don't we compare again this time, which one of us will destroy the core of the Blue Star Holy Gate first?"

"Compare, but you can't delay the business because of the competition."

A group of ghosts and ghosts, a total of 21 people.

Most of their game skills are very similar, because they are of the same origin, and they can assist each other to play and cooperate with each other, exerting several times or even ten times or twenty times the power.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the 21 people that they were able to successfully destroy the cores of other camps in the previous few times.

It's not that the 21 of them can beat the gatekeeper, but that they are united, even if they are facing the gatekeeper, they can temporarily entangle him, so as to find other opportunities to destroy the core of the Holy Gate.

But this time, Ghost 21 is also confident, and the result will be the same as the previous few times.

I don't know how long they walked, and the 21 people who could not feel the passage of time in the holy gate climbed up the yellow slope once and looked at the holy gate piercing into the sky in the distance.

Ghosts and the others were overjoyed.

"I finally found it. There is the core of Blue Star's Holy Gate."



Under the majestic holy gate, in a lonely corner, a person was sitting by the holy gate, with an ancient bronze sword stuck beside him, and the white bandage tied to the hilt was flying in mid-air along with the wind and sand.

Qin Qi looked down at a small green grass on the right.

The grass is only four or five centimeters high, and the stems and leaves are tender and tender, which seems out of place in this yellow sandy environment, as if it will be swallowed up by the endless desolation at any time.

Qin Qi lightly blocked the whistling wind and sand with his palm, allowing Xiaocao to barely stabilize his delicate body and take root here quietly.

At the end of the yellow sand where the sky and the earth are dead——

Only this fragile but bright grass is left.

Suddenly, Qin Qi who had been looking down at Xiaocao slowly raised his head, looking straight at the distant sky.

Just as he was about to take back his right hand, he seemed to think of something, rummaged around in the inventory, and then found a transparent glass cover, and covered the grass in the glass cover.

Blocking the wind and sand outside, the slightly bent stems and leaves of the grass seemed to straighten up, and the small bud-colored leaves were full of vitality.

Qin Qi pushed some yellow sand aside and fixed the glass cover.

After doing this, Qin Qi stood up from the ground.

Beside him, the white bandage on the hilt of the ancient bronze sword was still fluttering in the wind.

A faint phantom seemed to be standing behind Qin Qi, watching those "uninvited guests" who sneaked in together with him.

the other side.

Ghosts and others hovered 300 meters away from the core of the holy gate, still maintaining a hidden state.

"According to the old rules, the blood team will attract the gatekeepers, the shadow team will seek opportunities to get close to the core of the holy gate, and the rest of the ghost team..."

Everyone has a clear division of labor.

When I came here, I had already drawn up plans for various situations.

Be sure to make it a success!
Otherwise, next time, the gatekeeper will be more vigilant.

Just when Guimei and the others were about to cross the 300-meter cordon, a strange feeling of trembling suddenly came to mind.

Almost uncontrollably, the ghost looked up at the Holy Gate——

The man standing beside the Holy Gate like a statue.

The man lowered his eyes slightly, as if he had been staring at the ground, not caring about the outside world.

Except for the ancient bronze sword next to the man who looked a little threatening, he seemed to be just an ordinary person.


Almost instantly, a certain passive skill of the ghost directly took effect, warning him!
But without waiting for the ghost to remind others, five of the 21 people took a step faster and stepped within the range of 300 meters ahead of time——

The original yellow sand filled the sky and all the colors were erased in an instant, leaving only monotonous gray, white and black in the field of vision.

The passage of time slows down infinitely, infinitely close to stillness.

All the people and pictures seemed to be frozen.

Until a black sword light passed by.

Several figures seemed to be frozen in the photo, torn into several pieces by ruthless cutting.

Bright red blood spurted out, and the remains of broken limbs fell into the yellow sand, mixed with sand and blood, which was shocking.

"...It's a domain!"

"He's already spotted us!"

Ghost struggled with several life-saving props, broke free from it, and yelled at the others.

Those who were still alive tried all kinds of methods and prop abilities, but in the end, less than half of them broke free from the first layer of shackles in the "domain".

Before Guimei and the others recovered, the "field" changed again.

Countless black air spread out, coming from all directions.

When the black air passed by the group of people, there were several screams.

Along with the screams, there seemed to be some kind of chewing sound, which was creepy.

The rest of the people who reacted quickly took out defensive props, barely able to resist the erosion of black air.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, an ancient bronze sword struck through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it cut off the heads of the three players like mowing grass.

All resistance seemed to be in vain.

"Get out first!"

Seeing that there were too many casualties, the ghost turned around and fled first with red eyes.

They are too careless!
This blue star gatekeeper is completely different from the previous ones!
"Ah ah ah..."

There was another scream from behind.

When Ghost turned his head back again, his face froze.

He was the only one left standing there, and the rest were all down in the yellow sand, life or death unknown.

A footstep sounded.

In the black mist, Qin Qi's figure appeared in front of the ghost.

In the next second, Ghost's eyes widened.

he he he...

He seemed to see a figure following behind the blue star gatekeeper.

That figure was hidden in the darkness, looming, hands, feet and body were wrapped in several black chains, slowly dragging all the way, like a demon god who had been sealed away for countless years, broke through the shackles of the seal, and brought back bad luck and darkness Back to the world.

It's like going to hell.

"This is... what..." Monster.

Ghost has never seen any kind of props that have this kind of ability, which is close to the most feared side of the heart.

Is it a ghost?Or a tool spirit?

At this time, Qin Qi's eyes fell on the ghost's body, icy and cold, without any emotion.

"and many more……"

The ghostly voice stopped abruptly.

The next moment, the heads were separated.

The black air entwined on the ancient bronze sword turned into countless little black human heads, happily devouring the corpses on the ground.


The weird swallowing sound could be heard clearly in the yellow sand, but it was quickly covered up by the wind.

Everything is back to dead silence.

The only man standing on the yellow sand turned around, held the ancient bronze sword, and sat down under the Holy Gate again.

Sitting next to the grass.

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