Bug in survival game

Chapter 1104 Finale 2: The little fairy is here to save the world

Su Tingyu threw out a lot of props.

Among the many props, an unremarkable pocket watch was thrown out, and finally rolled around and stopped on several pieces of debris.

Su Tingyu didn't notice it at first.

But when the pocket watch came into contact with one of the shards, the shards merged into the pocket watch, and Su Tingyu's game panel popped out——

[Prop: stationary pocket watch (unusable)]

[Grade: Garbage]

[Function: As long as you believe, time is still]

[Durability: 89%→91% (repairable)]

[Remarks: No, no, no, no one would really wear such a rude pocket watch, right? 】

Su Tingyu was stunned.

What pocket watch?
and many more……

Su Tingyu quickly ran over and picked up the pocket watch.

"Because of what, the pocket watch was repaired again?"

Su Tingyu also guessed whether the pocket watch is a super awesome prop, so before entering the dungeon, he asked for various resources from the alliance, and finally piled up the durability of the pocket watch to 89%, and then he couldn't repair it anyway .

Why now...

Su Tingyu looked down and saw a few fragments scattered in the place where the pocket watch was just now.

Su Tingyu picked up the fragments and checked the information: [Fate Code Fragment*5]

"This is a reward for every game, I haven't seen any use for it before..."

"Only 5 yuan? I remember it was 6 yuan..."

A thought suddenly arises.

Could it be that the pocket watch is a fusion of fate code fragments?
Thinking of this, Su Tingyu put the five fragments of the fate code together with the pocket watch.

[Durability restoration of stationary pocket watch: 91% → 93%]

[Durability restoration of stationary pocket watch: 93% → 95%]

[Durability restoration of stationary pocket watch: 95% → 97%]

[Durability restoration of stationary pocket watch: 97% → 99%]

When the last piece was reached, Su Tingyu stared closely at the pocket watch.

She wondered what the pocket watch would do if it was restored.

But right now... I can only be a dead horse as a living doctor, try to see if it works!

The last piece!

【drop! 'Still Pocket Watch' restored successfully! 】

[Prop: A still pocket watch]

[Grade: Unknown]

[Function: As long as you believe, time is still]

[Durability: 100%]

[Remarks: No, no, no, no one would really wear such a rude pocket watch, right? 】

Su Tingyu held the pocket watch, looked at the line of function description with piercing eyes, and pressed his fingertips on the small buckle of the pocket watch.

The pocket watch was opened.

[As long as you believe, time is still]

in front of you.

Night is no longer night.

The abyss is no longer the abyss.

The flow rate in the darkness was paused.

Su Tingyu held the pocket watch in his right hand, and the death blade in his left hand. With wings spread behind him, he flew upwards!

Wave your left hand!
A dark knife light streaked across!
Pierce the darkness!

Dots of bright light rushed in.

At first, Su Tingyu narrowed his eyes, but in the end, because the light was too bright, he had to close his eyes, and plunged into the white light curtain...


Su Tingyu opened his eyes again, and returned to the high platform at the beginning.

The 'orb' suspended in the beam of light in front of it has a faint colorful luster, the light is soft, and it reveals a force.

【drop!Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for finding the 'Heart of the End'! 】

Su Tingyu's eyes brightened slightly.

"This is the real—"

Heart of the End.

It is the heart of the end that can end parallel games and end all disasters and turmoil.

The second after Su Tingyu picked up the Heart of Ending, the game panel popped up——

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for obtaining the 'Heart of the End'! 】

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for being the first to complete the main quest of 'Final Holy War'! 】

[Congratulations to the Blue Star faction for being the first to complete the main task of the 'Final Holy War'! 】

All of a sudden, all players received these three game notices.

Like a silent tacit understanding, everyone stopped all actions and turned their heads to look at the sky...

There, the sound of the game announcement came out.

at this time.

end space.

After Su Tingyu got the Heart of Ending, a white shadow appeared in front of her eyes.

Su Tingyu looked at the white-bearded grandfather with a somewhat mysterious vicissitudes in front of him, and a strange yet familiar feeling came to his heart.

"Who are you?"

The old man smiled back and asked, "What do you think?"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "The consciousness of Parallel Paradise? World consciousness? Could it be that...you are Blue Star's world consciousness?"

This feeling is very similar to her world consciousness when she met Yinyang star on Yinyang star...

Can't go wrong!

"Yes." Blue Star World Consciousness nodded.

"Thanks to you, Blue Star has obtained the 'Exemption' and 'Wish' from Parallel Paradise, and the immunity will automatically take effect. In this reincarnation, Blue Star can escape the liquidation and reshuffle."

"Son, please tell me your wish..."

Su Tingyu asked eagerly: "What about the dead? What about our destroyed homeland? If I use 'make a wish', can those people be resurrected?"

Blue Star World Consciousness looked kindly: "Then you can give it a try."

"But be careful, you only have one chance to make a wish, so you have to think about it carefully."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu sat down holding the heart of the end, his little face wrinkled together.

After thinking for a long time, Su Tingyu looked at the flickering light of the heart of the end, and said slowly: "I want... everything, start again!"

"Without the reincarnation of Parallel Paradise, everyone will never experience suffering in their lives, and everyone can enjoy a fulfilled, beautiful and happy life."

"Qiqi will not be abandoned by his family. He can grow up optimistic and cheerful, and then devote his whole life to the career he loves. He will not be traumatized and cause his legs to be disabled."

"A fat man will have a happy family and his parents will not die early. Although he looks cute, I want to see a healthy and handsome fat man."

"Sister Shan Yu will have a family of adoptive parents who treat her wholeheartedly, care for her and take care of her. She was born a gorgeous and fragrant red rose, noble and pure."

"Gu Jiu...my elder brother, he should be pampered and pampered by his parents since he was born. He will not become indifferent and fragile, with thorns all over his body. He will be the happiest and kindest child."

"Lulu is not some evil god. He shouldn't be sealed up right after he was born. He can go out to play around in the outside world and taste all kinds of food and drinks."

"Little Yuyu..."

"Small decision..."


Su Tingyu snapped his fingers and continued talking one by one, for fear of missing anyone.

As we talked, the flickering light of the Heart of the End became smaller and smaller and darker...

Su Tingyu became anxious immediately.

"I haven't finished yet! Don't kill it! Don't kill it!"

Blue Star World Consciousness listened to Su Tingyu telling others his wishes from the beginning to the end, but he didn't say his own wishes, so he reminded: "Son, why don't you talk about your wishes, time is running out, tell me quickly!" Your wish..."


Su Tingyu's voice paused, and suddenly smiled obediently, with a firm and confident tone: "I'm a little fairy!"

"The little fairy is here to save the world!"

"The little fairy wants everyone who died because of the Parallel Paradise to have a chance to start over!"

"I want the world to be less sinful and more beautiful."

"If you want evil, you will be rewarded! Good will be rewarded!"


The light of the heart of the end is gone.

Make a wish - done.

The world is turned upside down.

Time and space reincarnation.

All things refactored.
(End of text)

The text is over, let’s sprinkle flowers~ There will be some extras later

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