Chapter 129

is the hardest thing.

It was a long night, walking alone, very cold, very lonely, I couldn't see a embers of fire that was still warm, but there seemed to be a voice roaring in my ears:
It will be the eve of dawn...


Big Fish Birth Date: 2021.3.15
In February of this year, I was actually depositing another work. At that time, I had no idea of ​​writing Infinity Stream.

In March, the work that was deposited fell into some bottlenecks that I could not break through temporarily, so I had to give up temporarily, and I was a little confused for a while, not knowing what else to write?
At that time, I had a friend who was an author, and her new book was going to write infinite flow. During that time, the three words "infinite flow" appeared more frequently, and because of this, I had the idea of ​​writing an infinite flow novel.


Book release time: 2021.5.24
This book, I am actually very Buddhist, I thought it would be enough to earn full attendance on the shelves, but I never expected that the big fish viewed with a Buddhist mentality broke through my previous achievements in the new book issue.

On June 2021.6.7, 15, the 8th day since the book was released, and the 76th day since the signing status has been changed, the total number of words is about [-], and it suddenly rushed to the [-]th place on the new book list.

In the middle, although the player who played Heartbeat fell off the list a few times, overall, the results are on the rise.

In the end, when I got off the list, my best result was No. 31. I didn't compare with some big names. Anyway, I was very satisfied. Before that, I didn't even see the top [-] in the new book list.

It’s the first time I can have such a good result in the new book list, and it’s the first time I can play pk. I’m really grateful to the editor for giving me the opportunity to pk, and I’m also very grateful to all the readers, cute. These results are all thanks to you. .


On-shelf time: 2021.7.13
I lost the pk, it was close, but finally came to the stage of launching the book that I have been thinking about the most before I started publishing the book, because the launch means that my efforts from March to July can get some small rewards, and I can earn money on the website. perfect attendance award.

If the cuties like this book, if conditions permit, I hope to make a first order or a full order on the same day, please support it.

Within 30 days after it is put on the shelves, it will be able to hit the best-seller list. Don’t worry about the cuties. Every day’s subscription results are related to whether you can be on the list. If the results are better, I can also be motivated to code, right?So if you want to raise Wen, at least wait for a month before raising~
The number of words will be changed on the day of the launch: the minimum guarantee is [-], and the maximum limit is [-]
Update time on the day of launch: The update will start after [-]:[-], there may be a delay

The number of words updated after being put on the shelves: four changes per day, and special circumstances will be notified separately
Update time after launch: 0:18 (fixed update time), or 24-[-] pm (non-fixed update time)

About adding more:
(50) The first one on the shelves needs a monthly ticket to reach the potential list. If there are enough manuscripts, if the number of monthly tickets in July reaches [-], two more chapters will be added. me~
It's only for this month for the time being, and we'll talk about it next month.

([-]) As for whether rewards will be added... I won’t talk about it. If there is a local tyrant who rewards too much, should I change it or not?
Anyway, it depends on the situation, within the ability, there will be more changes~
(500) If the average subscription per month is ≥3, there will be 10~[-] chapters added in the next month, and the specific number of additions depends on the situation.

As for me, I have handicap and slow coding. I am not a talented writer. It is not bad to be able to code a chapter in two hours. Sometimes it may take four hours or even six hours to write a chapter. Close, no passion.

At the beginning, I came here for full attendance. After all, Xiaomeng is new and not very popular. If the grades are too high, I will finish the full attendance award for the first three months. At least I can get something in return, because there is no subscription requirement for the first three months. Four can get full attendance.

As for after three months, the fate of the book depends on the subscription situation, because the website has regulations, starting from the fourth month of the shelf, all subscriptions must be ≥ 500 to get the perfect attendance award.

So, subscription is very important to me, wow, if I can have more than 500 average subscriptions, I will also have the motivation to continue working hard~

At midnight tonight, it will be on the shelves.

Excitement, apprehension, fear, anticipation... It is impossible to say that without these emotions.

However, whether it is good or bad, we need to face it calmly.

Once again, thanks to all the lovely readers who became attached to this book.

Thank you for accompanying me through this journey of dozens of days.


A new journey is about to begin, and I hope there will still be someone who will accompany me on this journey.

If this is a journey, I hope it will never stop.

If this is a beautiful dream, I hope never to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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