Chapter 134
Create a collar with the same keyhole according to the pet's key, wear it around the neck of the person, and then go through seven nights of primitive fighting to stimulate the animal nature in the body. Finally, at midnight on the last night, the person will transform into a beast.

So, in a monthly show, Chris deceived all the slaves, and used the lie that they could get rid of their slave status to lure the slaves to wear collars voluntarily.

All the slaves who survived the seven-night fight and survived to the end, without exception, became ugly beasts that could not speak human words but retained human thoughts.

Chris couldn't specify what kind of beasts he could transform into. Some slaves would transform into harmless little beasts, which couldn't add color to the performances in the underground Colosseum.

What to do with those little beasts?

They were skinned and dehaired by the butcher, and the flesh and blood were separated.

It is fried, boiled and stewed by the chef to make dishes.

At last.

Served on the table of the nobles.


After listening to Su Tingyu, she just felt creepy, but she was stupidly wearing a collar before.

"Qin Qi, that monster octopus is actually a human?"

"Well, the beast with a collar cannot disobey the pet key owner's order, so he was sent here by Chris to guard the pet key."

"He was afraid of Chris, but also hated him very much. I gave him a chance to regain his freedom and revenge. He quickly chose to betray Chris."

Although Su Tingyu already had the answer in his heart, he was still shocked after hearing Qin Qi's words.


Humans become beasts.

A nobleman cannibalized into a beast.

Is this dungeon so heavy?

"Pet key, mysterious wizard, isn't the game setting of this dungeon too fantasy? It's unscientific!" Su Tingyu complained.

"The existence of Parallel Paradise itself is unscientific." Qin Qi stopped, looked at the broken air duct above his head, and said, "Here we are, let's go up."

"Huh? Oh oh..."

As soon as Su Tingyu answered, Qin Qi suddenly picked him up with his arms in his arms and held him high.

Su Tingyu: d(д) surprised! ! !
"Climb up quickly...your hands hurt."

Su Tingyu, who was stupefied, was reminded by Qin Qi, only to realize that Qin Qi had a wound on his right hand holding her, and quickly stretched out his hand to climb up to the vent that was already close in front of him.

After Su Tingyu came up, Qin Qi jumped lightly, grabbed the edge of the vent, and came up as well.

Su Tingyu puffed his cheeks: "Your hand is fine, please remind me next time~"

"En." Qin Qi lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face clearly.

Qin Qi pointed the way, and the two climbed along the ventilation duct and returned to the ninth floor.

at this time.

The underground Colosseum was in chaos, and Captain Chris, who was in charge of the overall situation, went out to socialize early. After receiving the notice, he just came back now.

"Where's the thief?" Chris, who came back, asked an assistant who stayed behind in the underground Colosseum without a smile on his face.

The assistant's face was a little pale, and he bent down: "Sir, I don't know who activated the alarm... Then someone in the staff shouted 'a thief stole the documents of the leader,' so all the staff began to investigate suspicious persons... ..."

Before anyone could finish speaking, Chris took off his hat and threw it at the assistant's face: "Idiot! You have been with me for so long, don't you know that I don't have any important documents at all?!"

The assistant's face was scratched with a red mark by the brim of the hat, and he didn't dare to say anything, but felt wronged.

Chris would disappear every once in a while, not letting them follow, not all the time.

"Then where is the thief now? Where is it?!" Chris was full of irritability, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.


"It's not good! The beasts on the ninth floor are rioting!"



Not all wearing collars...

Just thinking of this, Chris' face suddenly changed!
Got it!

Pet Key! !
(End of this chapter)

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