Bug in survival game

Chapter 144 Panel Upgrade

Chapter 144 Panel Upgrade
[Player information is being updated—]

[Nickname: Angel Su]

【Gender: Female】

【Age: 20】

【No.: 444444】

[Title: Sorrowful Ghosts, Destroying Flowers with Difficult Hands, The Best of Drama]

【Level: 4 (4144/5000)】

【Game currency: 4132】

〖Props〗: Stone tablet with evil spirits, sickle (death blade), still pocket watch, ravaged flower bud*3001, pet key, broken pet collar, pet collar*200
〖Materials〗: Maintenance iron essential oil*2, meteorite metamorphic rock*2
〖Supplies〗: A full meal of bread*3, colorless and tasteless mineral water*4, small medicine box, 2.0 small medicine box

〖Other〗: Empty mineral water bottle, lottery chance*12]

The player information is here, but the item bar has been changed.

Su Tingyu quit, but the player's attributes and occupations remained unchanged.

When he clicked into the forum, Su Tingyu was taken aback by the constantly refreshing posts.

The forum is now exploded!
[Big event!The newly added dungeon attribute in the third month is out! ]
[It's almost the end of the month, I thought there would be no new attributes]
[New deformation attribute: Players will randomly transform into various animals and dolls in the dungeon. Currently, there are two known transformation states, and the third has not yet been discovered]
[Newly added fairy tale attributes: the background of the copy is based on Western fairy tales as a template, focusing on dark and weird winds, hurry up and buy fairy tale books! ]
[Which great god upstairs posted it?Thank you! ]
[Depend on!It's Miracle Red's Unparalleled God!Worship God in the front row! ]
[Guoshi Wushuang, the Great God, is righteous, and share information with us again]
If Su Tingyu continued to flip, it would be a rainbow fart on this "Guo Shi Wu Shuang" player.

"Miracle Red, National Warriors, looks familiar..." Su Tingyu looked at the leaderboard.

First place in league table: Miracle Red

Ranked third: Guoshi Wushuang, lv6
Fifth on the customs clearance list: Guoshi Wushuang, cleared 18 times

In the leaderboard, there are various other lists, but none of them can find the game nickname of Guoshi Wushuang, but the big players who can be in the top five on the level list and clearance list at the same time may be hiding other lists.

As for the alliance list, it is listed in the form of an alliance organization. The minimum number of players in an alliance is 200, and those with less than 200 players can only be relegated to a team or squad.

Miracle Red is currently the largest alliance with the largest number of players and the highest average level.

Su Tingyu found some information about Miracle Red in the forum, and found something interesting.

This Miracle Red, organized and disciplined, seems to have a lot of energy in reality, unlike a non-governmental organization organized temporarily.

Moreover, Guoshi Wushuang is faintly a façade launched by Miracle Red. Every time he makes a sound, some very useful information will always be revealed, such as the new deformation attribute this time.

In the forum, there are more and more posts discussing the new attributes, and no one cares about the system announcements that have popped up for a long time.

【 Attention all beta players! 】

[The Dungeon of Trapped Beast was irreversibly destroyed by unknown factors, this dungeon will be permanently closed and will no longer be open to players! 】

Su Tingyu glanced calmly.

It's just a copy, just get used to it.

Besides, when she received another warning from the system before she came out, she was already mentally prepared to face it firmly.

It's just that now I feel that the system warning sound that seems to be exasperated is reverberating in my ears again——

……【warn!There is an abnormal situation in the trapped beast dungeon!The key NPC of the dungeon suffered irreversible mental damage!The key scene of the dungeon is irreversibly destroyed!The dungeon's key props are unknown and lost! 】

Hiss, how familiar and wonderful it is.

Su Tingyu feels refreshed every time he thinks about it.

But... "Forget about the game, go to the capital and find Qin Qi!"

 It's not dark yet~I did it~

(End of this chapter)

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