Bug in survival game

Chapter 148 The Real First Meeting

Chapter 148 The Real First Meeting

As the man woke up, a panel appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and lines of small characters were being refreshed on it.

The appearance of the panel made the man's eyes gradually clearer. When he moved his body a little, the wounds all over his body felt piercing pain.

The man stared blankly at the ceiling, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, he pursed his chapped lips, trying to support the upper half of his body with his elbows.

Arms trembling, he stood up little by little.

Finally, he sat firmly against the wall. The man lifted out the thin quilt with both hands. He lowered his head and glanced. The wrists on both sides were roughly cut open. The wounds were hideous. There was no bandaging, and the clotted blood clots had already blocked the blood vessels. , so that no more blood flowed out.

He just... didn't die.

This time the man got up, and some blood flowed from the wound on his body.

It hurts.

But it was numb.

He saw new news on the panel, and moved the panel into the friend interface with tired spirit.

It's a message.

[Qin Qi, Fatty and I are here to find you]
The man stared at it for a while, then turned his head slowly, and glanced at the wheelchair that was kicked down on the ground. The next second, he slowly moved his body, stretched out his weak arm, trying to hook the wheelchair over a little.

But it was so far away that he couldn't touch it at all.

Obviously, the distance is less than a finger, but it seems like an insurmountable gap.

Gradually, the man became a little impatient.

Most of his body was hanging in the air, and his unconscious legs couldn't get any support at all. If he was not careful, he fell down.

A muffled sound came out.


Su Tingyu heard a movement, turned around looking for the source of the sound, and came to a closed door in a few steps.

I glanced at the room number.

- 303.

She reached out and twisted the doorknob.

A click.

Push again.

The door opened.


The gradually widened door suddenly let in light, and for a moment, the person who fell on the ground felt a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously turned his face to the side.

And the scene in front of him made Su Tingyu's pupils gradually dilate, a little unbelievable.

one person.

He was lying on the ground, dragging most of the quilt around his waist, and part of it remained on the bed, obviously falling off the bed.

Su Tingyu was stunned for two seconds, then walked into the dark room hesitantly, getting closer to the people on the ground.

The wheelchair in the room, she saw.

"Qin...Qin Qi?" Su Tingyu squatted down beside the man, subconsciously lowering his voice a few times.

Hearing the movement, the man turned his head sideways, looked at Su Tingyu, paused for a moment, and stared at Su Tingyu for two seconds. He blinked slowly, as if he recognized the person, and the trace of defense in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Qin Qi, I... I'll help you up, okay?" Su Tingyu stretched out her hands, but they were still in mid-air. Through the light projected from the door, she clearly saw the hideous wounds on the man's wrists.

what happened……

Obviously, what I didn't see in the game... Could it be a bug fix?

So, was it the wrist that was repaired?

"I, I'll pick you up." Su Tingyu quickly changed his words, straightened the fallen wheelchair, carefully picked up the person on the ground, and placed them on the wheelchair.

During this period, Su Tingyu could feel that the man was a little uncomfortable and twisted his upper body slightly, but his straight long legs showed no reaction at all.

Su Tingyu was inevitably a little depressed.

Qin Qi's situation is more serious than she imagined.

At the top of the stairs, the fat man who had just climbed up gasped and shouted, "Boss... where are you..."

"Fatty, here!"

Su Tingyu responded, and when he wanted to push the person out, the person in the wheelchair spoke.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

(End of this chapter)

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