Bug in survival game

Chapter 150 She Remembers That Young Master Shen

Chapter 150 She Remembers That Young Master Shen

The fat man who hadn't left the room thought about it, walked to the bedside table a few steps, and opened the drawer.

"You need an ID card to go to the hospital... Where is Brother Qin's identity..."

The fat man found a box and opened it. On the top was an ID card, and there seemed to be some other documents at the bottom.

After confirming that the profile picture on the ID card was Qin Qi, the fat man didn't look under the box again, and put them into his pocket and took them away.

There was no elevator installed in the villa. When going down the stairs, the fat man carried Qin Qi on his back, while Su Tingyu carried the wheelchair with one hand in front.

After reaching the first floor, Su Tingyu put down his wheelchair. At this moment, the servant who had boiled the water and made the tea came out with the teapot in his hand.

The fat man moved slowly, still going down the stairs.

This time, hiding is impossible.

Su Tingyu quickly took out his mobile phone, put it to his ear, and pretended to be talking:
"Okay...ok...we're at the villa...we'll bring someone here...in half an hour, we'll definitely bring him..."

After the servant came out, he was surprised and puzzled when he saw the fat man coming down with Qin Qi on his back.

But when Su Tingyu's intentionally amplified voice came, the servant hesitated again, and asked, "Did Master Shen call?"

Su Tingyu glanced at the servant casually: "... That's it, hang up first, see you later."

At this time, the fat man just put the person on the wheelchair, put his hands on the back of the wheelchair, and cooperated with Su Tingyu, with an expression of wanting to take the person away.

Su Tingyu poked the phone with a black screen twice, then touched the screen-on button next to it, pretending to turn off the phone, then put the phone in his trouser pocket very naturally, and smiled at the servant: "Master Shen just called If you call and ask us to pick someone up and go out quickly, I won't drink this cup of tea."

The maid felt a little strange.

Doesn't Young Master Shen usually bring people back... Why did he go out this time?

But she, a commoner, can't control the affairs of the wealthy master's family, and she doesn't dare to control it, just like when she saw Qin Qi's injury now, she wasn't shocked at all, as if... she knew it a long time ago.

Seeing the servant's reaction, Su Tingyu also thought of this, and his eyes turned slightly cold.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

This Young Master Shen... Who the hell is he?

Is Qin Qi's injury related to this person?

"Since it was Master Shen's order, both of you should hurry up, it's okay to drink this tea next time." The servant nodded and bowed.

Seeing this, the smile on Su Tingyu's face completely disappeared.

There is something wrong with the attitude of the servants.

Although Qin Qi is confused and unconscious now, the servant completely ignores his thoughts and feelings.

As soon as I heard the words of that young master Shen, I believed everything.

It means that the servant is very clear that the young master Shen often contacts Qin Qi, at least recently.

Then Qin Qi's body injury, why did he just hastily dealt with the most serious wound on his abdomen, and then stopped the bleeding on his wrist, and didn't even bandage it, so it was gone.

Su Tingyu smiled again: "Okay, I will remember your tea."

And that young master Shen, right? She remembered him.

It's best not to let her find out what's tricky.

Accompanied by the servants, Su Tingyu and the others left the courtyard gate of the villa.

After coming out for a certain distance, the servant was no longer in sight.

No need for Su to listen to Yu, the fat man accelerated the speed of pushing the wheelchair, and he left the villa area in a short while.

The fat man went to open the door, but Su Tingyu turned around, picked Qin Qi up from the wheelchair, put him in the back seat of the car, and sat in with him.

The fat man froze for a moment, silently retracted his hands that wanted to hug someone, and put the foldable wheelchair into the rear compartment.

After finishing, the fat man came back and sat in the driver's seat, navigated to the nearest big hospital on his mobile phone, and started the car.

(End of this chapter)

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