Bug in survival game

Chapter 153 Awake, but not fully awake

Chapter 153 Awake, but not fully awake
Two hours later, Qin Qi gradually woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling in the ward, and the window a few meters away was half-open, and warm sunlight poured in, illuminating the entire ward that smelled of disinfectant.

Qin Qi was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes filled with blank blankness.

Su Tingyu, who was guarding the bedside, was watching the panel forum. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Qin Qi awake, turned his head quickly, and said pleasantly, "Qin Qi, are you awake?"

Qin Qi heard the movement, turned his head slowly, and looked at Su Tingyu for a few seconds, he blinked, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu couldn't help reaching out and gently pinching the soft cheeks on Qin Qi's face: "Huh? I don't remember the dungeon, you can't forget who brought you to the hospital, right? "

Qin Qi moved his head, trying to break free from Su Tingyu's hand pinching his face, but after several times he couldn't break free, he could only continue to wink at Su Tingyu as if resigned to his fate.

After a while, his eyes slowly widened, as if he recognized Su Tingyu, most of the strangeness in his eyes dissipated, but he still didn't respond.

Su Tingyu squeezed a few more times before reluctantly letting go, because it felt so good.

"Brother Qin is awake?" At this time, the fat man who had just gone to the bathroom came back, and walked over with a smile on his face: "Brother Qin, how do you feel?"

Qin Qi glanced at the fat man, but said nothing.

Fatty knew that Qin Qi's consciousness was confused at this time, and he might not recognize him, so he didn't mind, and continued to look for topics with a smile: "Brother Qin, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize me now, let's get to know him again."

"My name is Feng Nanbei, nicknamed Fatty, thank you and the boss for taking care of me in the dungeon during this time."

Qin Qi blinked lightly, he glanced at Su Tingyu's unclosed panel, and suddenly said: "Dungeon..."

But after saying two words, there was no follow-up, which made Su Tingyu and Fatty look at each other in blank dismay.

The fat man said: "Brother Qin, this is not considered amnesia, at least he will be touched by some sensitive words."

"Well, in Qin Qi's current situation, we can only wait for the opportunity to ask the reason after entering the dungeon." Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi who had turned his head away, and he was observing every corner of the ward with a blank expression. , still looked a little wary and uneasy.

"By the way, the next round of dungeons is an active dungeon. Recently, two new dungeon attributes have been added. Now, many people in the forum speculate that there may be new dungeon attributes in the dungeon attributes on June 6." Su Ting Yu roughly told Fatty about the information he had just browsed through the forum.

The door of the ward was locked, and the fat man found a place to sit down: "The deformation in the newly added dungeon attribute feels like one of the attributes of the round of dungeon we just cleared."

In the Trapped Beast Dungeon, there is also a setting where someone turns into a beast. If the player cannot remove the collar within seven days, he will eventually become a beast.

The more Su Tingyu analyzed it, the more he felt that the Trapped Beast dungeon has the attribute of transformation, but the main attribute is escape.

As long as you escape from the underground colosseum within seven days, you can clear the dungeon, it doesn't matter whether you take off the collar or not.

"June 6st is Children's Day. Brother Qin also said before that the background of the dungeon will be related to Children's Day."

Su Tingyu is still browsing the panel. There are three posters on the main interface of the panel, one of which is a picture of a large amusement park, which is in color at this time, and there is a countdown timer added.

When the countdown on the poster reached zero, it happened to be June 6st.

(End of this chapter)

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