Bug in survival game

Chapter 157 Big Fish and 77

Chapter 157 Big Fish and Qiqi

After half an hour.

After throwing away the trash, Su Tingyu went downstairs to pick up two takeaway breakfasts.

After returning to the ward, Su Tingyu fed Qin Qi the porridge before finishing his own breakfast.

Qin Qi's mental state is much better today. After breakfast, he didn't continue to sleep. Instead, he kept staring at Su Tingyu with a curious and timid expression, not knowing what was going on in his mind. .

After Su Tingyu finished his breakfast, seeing that Qin Qi was still watching her, he couldn't help but move over with his chair, showing a malicious smile: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

Qin Qi blinked lightly, his face was tangled for two seconds, and then he said: "You..." Just after saying a word, he got stuck because he didn't know the name of the person in front of him.

"My name is Su Tingyu." Su Tingyu introduced himself.

"Su...listen...fish..." Qin Qi chewed each word, and suddenly, he raised his eyes with a gleam of light: "Big fish."

When Su Tingyu heard it, he instantly petrified.

What the hell is a big fish? !
So dirty! !

It doesn't fit her image of a fairy-like little fairy at all!
"It's Su Tingyu, not a big fish." Su Tingyu corrected with a serious face.

"Big fish." Qin Qi persisted.

Su Tingyu stood up abruptly, bent down, stretched out his hands, pinched each side of Qin Qi's face, and said fiercely: "No, change one."

"Pu... cloth medicine." Qin Qi did not show any weakness, he seemed to feel that Su Tingyu would not hurt him, and his courage gradually grew.

Su Tingyu thoughtfully gave other options: "Susu, Tingting, Yuyu, you can choose one at random, anyway, you can't use big fish."

After Qin Qi heard it, he shook his head and refused without thinking: "No Susu, listen, Yuyu, I want a big fish."

Su Tingyu narrowed his eyes slightly, with danger in his eyes: "Are you sure?"


one second.

two seconds.

Su Tingyu was incompetent and furious: Wow! ! !

no!You can't just let Qin Qi take advantage of her!
Su Tingyu turned his head, let go of his hands, and raised a smile on his face again: "You can't just be allowed to call me Big Fish, I also want to take one... um... I'll call you Qiqi, how about it? "

Hearing the word "Qiqi", Qin Qi subconsciously frowned, feeling a little awkward: "...No, don't."

"Why not? Qiqi sounds so nice and cute, doesn't she?"

"It's just... don't be cute." Qin Qi bit his lower lip lightly, hesitating.

Su Tingyu laughed twice: "I don't want it either, I'll call you Qiqi, Qiqiqiqiqiqi..."

Visible to the naked eye, Qin Qi's face became more depressed.

Seeing that it was almost done, Su Tingyu asked tentatively again: "Why don't you call me Big Yu, then I won't call you Qiqi, is that okay? Is it fair?"

Qin Qi thought about it for a while, and finally said sullenly: "...No, your name is Qiqi."

Su Tingyu: ... Can't you fool me?
Who dares to say that Qin Qi is mentally ill?

She was in a hurry with that person!

Until the evening, when the fat man rushed back to the hospital, before he had time to say hello, he faintly noticed that there was an inexplicable and strange atmosphere between the two in the ward.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Fatty asked.

Su Tingyu waved his hands weakly: "It's nothing...it's nothing..."

Ha ha.

Why hasn't the dungeon started yet? Wow!

She just waited to enter the dungeon, and see what kind of reaction Qin Qi, who had regained his senses, would think of this!
"By the way, boss, there are too many people in the hospital, and we still have to enter the dungeon. Brother Qin has to be discharged from the hospital before entering the dungeon." The fat man asked a detailed question.

 Give a reward and add more, okay~

  It's really gone today~
  Entering the dungeon soon~ (I don't expect Qiqishe to die at all, how about you~)

(End of this chapter)

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