Bug in survival game

Chapter 159 Children Chapter Happy 1

Chapter 159 Happy Children's Day 1
【Duplicate: Happy Children's Day】

[Background: This is the Playground of Childhood Innocence, a wonderful paradise for children to play happily. There are no adults to blame and restraint, and children are the biggest masters. God, may there be no wars, no fights, no noise in heaven, only laughter, and only childlike innocence , only simple]

【Number of players: 18000】

[Main line rules:
1. All players will have a doll body. Within a certain period of time, players in every 100 intervals will become 'hunters' in turn, and the rest of the players will be 'prey'

2. The hunter player body and the doll body are separated, the body is conscious, the doll body is unconscious, the prey player body and the doll body are fused, exist in the form of the doll body, and appear at the location of the doll body

3. Hunter players can actively destroy the dolls of all players and eliminate them. Prey players cannot directly attack the hunter player body

4. When the destruction degree of the doll body is higher than 85%, the player's doll body is completely damaged and cannot be used

5. Every time a player successfully destroys a doll body of another player, he can get certain points and inherit all the points of the player who destroyed the doll body. After the dungeon is over, the player with points can be exchanged for prizes

6. More game hidden rules, players are welcome to dig out by themselves]

[Main task: hunt players and protect yourself, protect the doll body, the damage degree is less than 85% at the end of the dungeon, and the main body survives until the end of the dungeon]

[Difficulty: Six Stars]

【Duration: Ten days】

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Death penalty: Randomly drop two to five non-binding game items at the point of death, and lose some game coins and experience points]

[Failure penalty: 2000 game coins will be deducted]


Su Tingyu hid in a closet full of children's clothes, and read the panel information of this round of dungeons.

The event dungeon is open, and all players can participate voluntarily, but there are about 20 internal beta players, but only [-] players participated in the end.

The biggest reason is that the event dungeon not only has an additional death penalty, which makes players want to quit, but also the 2000 game currency in the failure penalty is an amount of game currency that most ordinary players cannot have so far.

In this round of event dungeons, the transformation attribute in the newly added dungeon attributes really appeared. In addition, there is also the hunting attribute.

Su Tingyu has a brooch on his right heart. The front is a cartoon little girl's head, and there is a string of numbers on the back: 4444
[props: doll brooch]

【Grade: Diamond】

[Function: The exclusive game props of the 'Happy Children's Day' dungeon, which can be arbitrarily worn on a doll to obtain the right to use the doll body in the current round of dungeons]

[Whether a copy can be brought out: No]

【Usage: Disposable】

[Remarks: Don't try to wear it on cats and dogs, thank you]

After reading the information, Su Tingyu just put the doll brooch into the inventory, and a copy notice was refreshed on the panel:

[Attention all players of 'Happy Children's Day', please wear the doll brooch on any doll within the 10-minute preparation time, and players who complete or fail to finish within the time limit will be eliminated on the spot]

The following is a countdown. Seeing this, Su Tingyu didn't waste any more time, and stretched out his hand to push open the closet door and go out.

After looking around at the surrounding environment, Su Tingyu found that she was now on the second floor of a children's clothing store. Going down the stairs, she didn't meet a living person in the store.

But the door of the store was wide open, and the layout of the store was orderly, without a trace of dust or garbage, it didn't look like a place where no one was there.

Su Tingyu walked out of the store, and seeing the situation outside, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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