Bug in survival game

Chapter 165 Children Chapter Happy 7

Chapter 165 Happy Children's Day 7
Because the doll's body is too small, no matter how flexible it is, it can't run too fast.

And here is the bell tower, except for the wooden windows tens of meters above the ground, only the steps that Su Tingyu has been blocking behind are the exit.

The two dolls were trapped in the encirclement by overlapping vines, not daring to act rashly.

The chick puppet screamed "Wow!" The blue flame on his body suddenly soared like chicken blood, and his aura was [-] meters in an instant!
Su Tingyu sighed in a very timely manner: "Roast chicken?!"

I saw that the little chicken doll who ignited the [-]-meter aura felt that he could do it again, stepped forward with firm and powerful chicken feet, and then slammed into the rattan!
The chick doll has a very humble plan, which is to burn the rattan!

Create a chance to escape!

But the little chicken doll overlooked that this was not an ordinary rattan, but the rattan of the evil god flower.

Facing the aggressively ejected little roast chicken, one of the small remnant flowers ran in front of all the companions, the buds swelled and became bigger, and bloomed all of a sudden, revealing the sharp fangs inside.

Aww wow~~

Take a bite and directly swallow the little roast chicken!

Wisps of black smoke drifted away from the cracks in the flower buds, and the little residual flower chewed a few times, and the inside was full of cloth and cotton wool, which was not tasty at all, and was hard to swallow.

So the little roast chicken was spit out.

"Tsk tsk~" Su Tingyu looked sympathetic, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The chick doll that was tortured by Xiao Canhua was already riddled with holes and scrapped.

Su Tingyu gained another 10 points.

Five seconds later, the player body of the chicken doll appeared. It was a muscular and strong man with a gloomy face.

In front of his eyes, a crescent moon-like knife light flashed.

A knife cut appeared on the chicken player's neck without warning, and immediately after, blood spurted out from the wound!

In the end, what was reflected in his eyes was a... sickle in the girl's hand.

one second.

two seconds.

A body crashed to the ground.

And four game items dropped out next to the corpse.

Su Tingyu was not in a hurry to pick it up, he calmly put away his knife, and turned his attention to another doll...Huh?Where's the doll?

Su Tingyu is not calm now.

Why did the gray wolf doll disappear in such a blink of an eye? !
There is nothing in the encirclement...

At this time, Su Tingyu seemed to see the air on the edge of the rattan undulating like waves.

wrong? !
There's something sneaky in there!
It's a gray wolf doll!
He turned transparent! !

"He's there! Catch him!" Su Tingyu pointed in the direction of the gray wolf doll, reminding the little residual flowers that he also ran to that side quickly.

There is a closed wooden window on the edge there, Li Ge spent a rare one-time item just to fight for this way of life.

Seeing that he was discovered, Li Ge no longer carefully concealed it. While the props were still in use, he climbed up to the top of the rattan wall made of rattan a few times. Before the little residual flowers could react——

With his whole body hardened, he slammed into the closed wooden window!
Wooden windows shattered.

The gray wolf doll fell downstairs along with several pieces of wood.

Su Tingyu arrived a few steps late, and could only watch helplessly as the gray wolf doll landed safely.

After landing, the transparent effect on the gray wolf doll disappeared.

Su Tingyu also saw that the gray wolf doll raised its head and looked at her, then raised one hand and bent down, faintly resembling a signature provocative gesture——

Erect middle finger.

(End of this chapter)

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