Bug in survival game

Chapter 167 Children Chapter Happy 9

Chapter 167 Happy Children's Day 9
The five players suddenly found out in horror that their hands and feet became weak, like soft dolls, the game props in their hands fell to the ground, and the item bar seemed to disappear, and they couldn't find it no matter how hard they looked.

All the children rushed forward, and the five players were put down on the ground like dolls and played with wantonly.

Some children stomped on the player's abdomen, some pulled out the player's tongue with their hands, some pierced the player's eyeballs with their nails, and some bit the player's throat with their teeth...




Su Tingyu hid behind the gate of the bell tower, looking through the crack of the door, witnessing the unilateral killing outside.

These five players are really five "cups".

Hearing Yu's cry, Su didn't just want to annoy Li Ge.

If everyone ran away, if he didn't get mad at him, it would be a loss.

After Su Tingyu knew in the clock tower that the gray wolf doll was the demon hunter Li Ge, he wanted to sit and wait for the two players to lose out.

Unexpectedly, there was a stalemate in the end.

And the other chicken player is the hunter player of the next round, so Su Tingyu couldn't help but delay it any longer.

The player Su Tingyu chooses to deal with first is, of course, the chicken player who will become the hunter in the next round.

It's a pity that Li Ge, a big fish, was accidentally let go.

If there is no way, then attract some small fish and shrimps to stop the loss in time.

Su Tingyu made a good plan. When she descended the steps, she also slowed down her pace, pinching the timing, waiting for the hunters and players attracted below to kill each other, and then went to pick up the leaks by herself.

I didn't expect wow, so late, such a tragic thing happened below.


too frightening.

Su Tingyu sighed in his heart, staring outside without blinking, without any fear on his face.

One hangs up and drops game items.

Two hang up, three hang up...

It wasn't until the five players were all torn into "fragments" like torn dolls, that the soaring resentment of hundreds of children slowly subsided.

[Dungeon time: 22:57]

Su Tingyu glanced at the time.

Well, time is running out.

The children outside were like wandering spirits, with blank and empty expressions on their faces, as if they were all saying: Why don't the dolls have to be torn up?

At this time, who dares to run out?
Be the next doll to get ripped off?

Who dares?


A surprised and puzzled voice sounded.

In an instant-

Hundreds of children turned their heads in unison, staring straight at Su Tingyu who came out from behind the gate.

Su Tingyu glanced at the bloody mosaic on the ground, turned his head and asked without any change, "Which naughty boy made this place dirty?"

Bad boy?
The words fall.

In the eyes of hundreds of children, a hint of guilt and anxiety suddenly appeared after the prank was discovered.

Su Tingyu scanned around, and finally set his sights on the little girl who broke her knee at the beginning.

When Su Tingyu saw the wound on his knee, there was obvious pity in Su Tingyu's eyes, and he walked over quickly: "Lovely little angel, why are you injured? Does it hurt?"

While talking, Su Tingyu took out a small medicine box from the inventory.

Su Tingyu squatted down, first washed the wound with normal saline, then disinfected it with 0.5% iodophor, and finally applied red medicine.

In the process of doing it, Su Tingyu's face exuded a strong maternal halo, but he kept muttering in his heart: That's right, right?Right?
After Su Tingyu finished processing, when he looked up, he saw that the little girl was already shy and shy. Seeing Su Tingyu looking at her, he said sweetly: "Thank you, sister."

 Give a reward and add more, okay~

  The monthly pass will be reserved for tomorrow, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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