Bug in survival game

Chapter 198 Children Chapter Happy 40

Chapter 198 Happy Children's Day 40
Copy of the seventh day.

【Dungeon time: 6:00~6:20】

In the secret room, a rabbit doll emits white light.

The white light dissipated, and Gu Qi's figure appeared on the spot, while the rabbit doll had fallen limply on the ground, motionless.

Gu Qi glanced at the sleeping little panda, then opened the secret door and went out.

Once outside, Gu Qi used his professional talent.

As far as he could see, in the nearby buildings, those doll bodies that he thought were well hidden were all discovered by Gu Qi.

As for whether or not the doll can be hunted down, the only restrictions on Gu Qi are time and distance.

In Gu Qi's mind, at this time, everything he saw was converted into data, and in just a few seconds, he planned a route that passed the most dolls and was so accurate that there was no redundant repetition.

Gu moved up.

On the planned route, the dolls were harvested along the way, and occasionally some stubbles were encountered, but the rules of the game between the hunter and the prey restricted the latter too much.

Generally speaking, as long as the prey player is discovered, even if the prey player is stronger than the hunter player in the body state, he will be hunted and eliminated in the same way if the difference in strength between the two sides is not too great.

3 minutes.

Killed: 5
5 minutes.

Killed: 12
7 minutes.

Killed: 21
It is now the third round, and the players who can participate in the event dungeon have more or less joined or formed some teams, so remember that once you find the prey players, you will find them together.

After hunting the No. 30 prey players, Gu picked up the dropped game items and continued to the established route.

The streets are still crowded with people.

In the store, it was still very lively.

But Gu Qi walked in it, and slowly felt something was wrong.

It was as if someone was watching him... from behind? !

Gu Qi turned his head and looked around, but found nothing.

The children coming and going were still laughing and playing, as if they didn't care that he stayed here as an adult.

Gu Qi frowned slightly.

what happened?

That's not an illusion.

Gu Qi has never believed in feelings, but he believes in his own judgment.

"Forget it, continue to find the next prey."

Gu Qi glanced around at the children with smiles on their faces.

The longer I watched, the more I felt the smiles on their faces... very stiff, and seemed to have to laugh.

Since it was a forced laugh that he didn't want to laugh, it might as well be that he was... crying.

Gu Qi continued to walk towards the hiding spot of the next target.

However, there is one more guess in my heart.

The highlight of this round of dungeons may be coming soon.


10 minutes is not long or short, it is too short for hunter players, but it is too long for prey players.

After 10 minutes, the rabbit doll in the secret room stood up.

Gu Qi came back.

He subconsciously looked in one direction. The little panda was still sleeping, with all four paws spread out on the ground, revealing its bulging belly.

"Boss, you're back." Beside him, the fat man greeted with a smile.

Gu Qi withdrew his gaze calmly, and responded lightly: "En."

"Gu Jiu, what did you discover when you went out?" Su Tingyu asked.

After these two rounds, every time someone came back, the fat man would greet him immediately.

And Su Tingyu didn't look outside at all, from the alienated and polite "Gu Jiuye" at the beginning, to now he said "Gu Jiu" casually and naturally.

This made Gu Qi feel a strange feeling, which he had never experienced before in Xing or Gu's family.

Very novel.

But it seems that he is not disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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