Bug in survival game

Chapter 200 Children Chapter Happy 42

Chapter 200 Happy Children's Day 42
"Baga! Road!" Witnessing the sudden death of five of his subordinates, the leader of the Japanese Japanese was furious: "Go! Go! Hack them to death!!"

With this order, more than 50 Japanese Japanese players rushed forward!

Su Tingyu took a few steps forward, and met the little Japanese who was at the front of the four of them.

The right hand brick, see one shoot one!
The sickle in the left hand, see two and cut two!
Gu Qi and Qin Qi have been responsible for solving the Japanese Japanese on the left and right, and now there are only four people left at the end.

Seeing that there is only a fat man blocking the way, the Japanese Japanese in the back are full of momentum!
"Kill kill kill!"

Seeing this, the fat man gritted his teeth: "Fight!!"

He directly used the ability of the Fire Bathing Orb, and his whole body was ablaze!

"Ahhh! Come on!!" The fat man who was bathed in flames yelled, and then rushed towards the rushing Japanese Japanese!

"...Back! Back!" This surprise made the aggressive Japanese players look confused.

Seeing that the raging fire was about to hit his face, Xiao Riwa, who rushed to the front, yelled anxiously, stepping back continuously, and then one by one, the scene looked ridiculous.

"Come on! Come on!!"

The fat man opened his arms and roared at the Japanese Japanese player, but the latter was a little startled and didn't dare to rush forward.

For a moment, the fat man, relying on bluff, actually gained the upper hand in terms of momentum!
After Su Tingyu slapped a Japanese Japanese player flying, he took the time to turn around and pay attention to Fatty's situation.

Seeing the unexpected mighty and domineering appearance of the fat man, Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and quietly released two small residual flowers, letting them sneak to assist the fat man, and then he didn't care much.

As for this small Japanese, Su Tingyu felt that there was no need to release the remaining little flowers.

It's better to do it yourself to abuse the little Japanese.

Su Tingyu then shot another Japanese player flying, and then another rushed up.

She was just about to swing the sickle, but suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and backhanded the sickle horizontally in front of the door.

In the next second, the samurai sword with a strong wind slashed on the sickle, sparking a series of sparks.

Feeling the deepening weight on the sickle, Su Tingyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he exerted force with his wrist. With a flick of the sickle, Hiwa who was holding the samurai sword was shaken back several steps.

Su Tingyu retracted the knife and took a half step back. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the blade of the sickle, and there was already a crack.

This is just an ordinary-grade sickle, so the opponent's katana is at least two grades higher than her sickle, so that it has the ability to damage ordinary items with just one blow.

When Su Tingyu chose a longer and more difficult upgrade path for the sickle, he also had shortcomings, and now they are highlighted.

In a short period of time, the level of the sickle cannot be improved, and it is too disadvantageous when faced with higher-level game items.

"Hua girl, grab it now!" The Japanese Japanese player had a savage grin on his face.

He has long noticed that Su Tingyu's sickle is not high-grade, but he owns a diamond-grade samurai sword, which is completely invincible.

"Hmm." Su Tingyu put the sickle and the brick back into the inventory, and then took out a three-meter-long stick weapon with a shiny silver body, engraved with a white cloud-like airflow pattern, and Some exotic beasts of various shapes.

This is one of Su Tingyu's trophies, a rare Misty Stick.

"What did you say? Say it again." Su Tingyu asked calmly.

Looking at this obviously not low-grade Misty Stick, the expressions of Japanese Japanese players changed for a while!

 Monthly ticket plus update, two chapters, are not allowed to sell (threat) cute (threat) ~
  It's the last week of this month.

  Please subscribe, I hope the ranking of the best-selling list can move forward and be more stable

  Asking for a monthly pass, I haven’t considered whether to continue to get a monthly pass for next month, maybe I won’t get it next month, cherish the opportunity to squeeze me this month, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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