Bug in survival game

Chapter 312 Angel Apartment 50

Chapter 312 Angel Apartment 50
After Shan Yu took the old woman out of the living room, he helped her to the sofa and sat down.

Shan Yu looked at the kitchen knife stuck in the old woman's chest, and was at a loss for a while: "Grandma, this kitchen knife..."

It seemed that the kitchen knife was stuck in the old woman's body, and there was no bleeding.


The old woman is already a ghost, how can there be blood.

But this kitchen knife has been stuck in the old woman's body, and Shan Yu always feels that the former's spirit is not as good as before.

Perhaps, there is something wrong with this kitchen knife?
"Grandma, I'll pull it out for you!" Seeing that the old woman's face was wrinkled and she was too painful to speak, Shan Yu said.

Shan Yu grabbed the handle of the kitchen knife and pulled it out.

At this time, her panel popped up suddenly, and the content on it made her a little confused, so she simply closed it and threw the kitchen knife on the ground.

...and more important things.

"Grandma, what happened to you?" Shan Yu asked tentatively.

"Oh...that's an evil animal!" After pulling out the kitchen knife, the old woman gradually recovered, she sighed, and then slowly told the story of her life with the gamer.

The gamer is the youngest son of the granny. When he was very young, the granny and her wife have always doted on him.

Unexpectedly, when he grew up, he discovered that he had already spoiled the gamer boy.

When I was in school, I didn't study hard, and I thought about going to the Internet cafe to play games all day long. If I didn't have enough money to go, I would even steal money from the old lady.

Later, I couldn’t even go to high school, and after dropping out, I didn’t go out to find a job, but just idled around all day, either going to Internet cafes to play games, or on the way to Internet cafes, and even later, I became addicted to gambling.

And when there is no money, they come to borrow money.

In the beginning, the old lady loved the gamer man, and even divided some of his pension to subsidize him.

Unexpectedly, slowly, the game boy is like a black hole that keeps asking for it.

When the old woman's wife passed away unexpectedly, because she was too sad and didn't want to live in the original home, the old woman sold the house and came to the Angel Apartment to rent a house, intending to spend the last time like this.

But after the game man lost money once, he put his mind on the money the old woman got from selling the house.

When the old lady found out, she rejected him for the first time.

As a result, it caused a fatal disaster.

[Congratulations to the player 'Heh' and 'Sick Beauty' for successfully finding out the cause of death of the deceased in Room 101, puzzle solving progress: 3/8]

The panel system popped up, but the two parties now have no time to take care of so much.

Hearing the old woman's story, Shan Yu was a little bit embarrassed.

【caution!The player 'heh' 'sick beauty' triggers the exclusive hidden task No. 101——Educate the Rebellious Son]

[Mission Background: Whenever the bell rings at midnight, a figure hovering in every portal, diligently completes the work of his lifetime time and time again, but he still can't go home]

[Task content: Help the residents of Room 101 to educate their sons]

[Mission Condition: Complete within the first night after accepting the mission]

[Task reward: 200 game coins]


What...is it too timely?

Shan Yu glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

Just listening to the movement, the battle inside seems to be very intense.

But Shan Yu only heard the monster's roar or pain.

The one surnamed Gu...should be fine, right?
There is a wall clock on the wall of the living room, Shan Yu glances at it from time to time.

After waiting for 15 minutes, there seemed to be no more violent noises from the kitchen.

……it's over?

Shan Yu blinked her phoenix eyes lightly, stared closely at the kitchen door, hesitated for a while, stood up, and walked towards the kitchen.

But before she could take a few steps, Gu Qi came out from inside, without any embarrassment on his body, his face was calm.

And behind him, there was a bundled wriggling fat worm.

(End of this chapter)

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