Bug in survival game

Chapter 315 Angel Apartment 53

Chapter 315 Angel Apartment 53
"How about releasing its enemy and see if there is any reaction?" Qin Qi suggested.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes lit up.

Oh yes!

Disabled youth definitely need surprises right now to get back on their feet!

Be a good ghost and make progress every day!
Then she... just reluctantly be a little Christmas fairy who gives surprises and warmth~

Su Tingyu took out the stele from the inventory and released the ghost thing inside.

This time, the disabled youth really reacted.

This face—

Even if it is a ghost, it will never forget!
"Roar..." The disabled young man let out a resentful roar from his throat, his eyes were no longer dull, but filled with raging anger.

It rushed towards the ghost, scratching and biting the latter with its hands and teeth.

"Ah! Get out of here!" After being caught in pain, the ghost screamed.

When the ghost really couldn't stand it and wanted to resist, Su Tingyu suddenly had a meteor stick in his hand, and with a single stroke, the ghost's skull was split open, almost being knocked in half.

This is still the result of Su Tingyu's control, because it should be reserved for the disabled youth to vent slowly.

Check it out.

She is such a kind and considerate little fairy~

The ghost couldn't resist, and was bitten to pieces by the disabled youth just so aggrieved... His soul was gone.

The disabled young man vented his grievances, and he became sober. He looked at Su Tingyu and the other two, put his hands on the ground, and smacked his head three times, "...Thank you! Thank you!"

Su Tingyu waved his hand: "No thanks, no thanks~"

Seeing the expression of "I'm so moved to cry" by the disabled young man, Su Tingyu tentatively asked, "That's right, big brother, do you want to hang out with me?" As he spoke, Su Tingyu was eager to try the stone tablet in his hand.

"Ah? What the hell?" The disabled young man was at a loss, unable to understand the meaning of Su Tingyu's words.

Su Tingyu gestured to the stone tablet in his hand: "That's it, as long as you go in, I can take you out of the angel's apartment, big brother, think about it~ The outside world is even more exciting! Are you excited? Are you excited? "

"...Here, but I'm just a useless person." The disabled young man was a little moved. Before his death, after his legs were amputated by a high position, he could only be trapped in the angel's apartment. His past ambitions were reduced to ashes and no longer existed.

After death, he climbed the stairs day after day, fell, got up, climbed, and fell again... like a nightmare curse, without any hope.

And now, someone has brought hope to it, so how could it not be moved?

"It's okay, as long as you follow me, maybe you can grow two more legs in the future?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes and continued to fool around hard.

The disabled youth was even more moved when he heard it.

"I am in the Angel apartment, and I have been favored by the landlord, especially for a period of time after my amputation. The landlord didn't care that I couldn't pay the rent, so I stayed here... If I want to leave, I want to tell the landlord , with his own consent."

Su Tingyu was a little puzzled when the disabled youth made such a remark.

Can you leave with the consent of the landlord?

Why did it feel a little weird? Su Tingyu seriously suspected that the disabled youth owed the rent and had no money to pay back, so he was embarrassed to leave without saying a word, so he wanted her to pay the rent in advance?
Su Tingyu remembered that when he first entered the dungeon, there was a suitcase beside him, and he didn't know if there was any common currency for this round of dungeons in it, whether it was enough to pay for it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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