Bug in survival game

Chapter 320 Angel Apartment 58

Chapter 320 Angel Apartment 58
After bidding farewell to the disabled youth in room 302, Su Tingyu couldn't wait to rush up to the fifth floor!
But Qin Qi's words broke Su Tingyu's enthusiasm, "It's almost five o'clock, we can wait until the daytime to go."

Su Tingyu was immediately discouraged: "...Okay."

"If there is really a problem with the landlord, it would be more beneficial for us to go during the day." Qin Qi continued.

"That's right." Su Tingyu always felt that after midnight, the power of the NPCs in the apartment seemed to be stronger than during the day.

As for where this feeling came from, it was naturally that damn thing that had been torn to pieces.

Although it was under the control of Su Tingyu at the time, Su Tingyu could still clearly feel that the ghost had recovered well from the injuries he suffered during the day because the former had temporarily lived in the stele.

If the recovery of the injury is related to the stele, then its strength cannot be the fault of the stele, right?

Of course, the boosted power is negligible in front of Su Tingyu.

"We'll call Gu Qi again in the daytime!" Su Tingyu rubbed his little hands, and the excitement returned to his face.

It should be daytime soon!

The speed of this round of dungeons is problematic.

Qin Qi: "Now go back to your room and rest."

"Good drop~"

Just like the first night of the dungeon, Qin Qi still insisted on sending Su Tingyu back to his room first.

But when the two went up to the fourth floor, they saw a sneaky little figure hovering in front of the door of Room 404, as if thinking of reaching out to knock on the door.

After Su Tingyu and Qin Qi looked at each other, they both lightened their steps and walked towards the figure quietly.

Just looking at the figure, it seems to be an underage child.

Su Tingyu's mind turned quickly. Currently, among the known apartment residents, there are two families with children, one male and one female.

However, looking at the short hair, it should be a boy.

...is it Yu Xiao, a junior high school boy in Room 205?

This is the guy who knocked on the door all night last night?

And scared her so that she couldn't sleep well all night?
Su Tingyu immediately found the reason to educate the children, and became aggressive with his head held high.

In front of the door of Room 404, Yu Xiao knocked on the door with a "bang bang bang". After knocking, he immediately put his ear on the door panel again, expecting a response from the people inside.

But... I didn't hear anything.

Yu Xiao puffed up his face and started scratching his ears and cheeks.

Where is the problem?


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Yu Xiao, and at the same time, there seemed to be a hand patting him on the shoulder.

Yu Xiao turned his head to look suspiciously. All of a sudden, he bumped into a grinning grimace head-on, and on the forehead of the grinning face, a terrifying grimace of a vicious wolf suddenly floated out.

"Wow wow wow!"


Without noticing it for a while, Yu Xiao was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his face dazed and confused.

"... woo... woo... woo woo woo woo..." Yu Xiao hiccupped, sat on the ground and began to cry, the kind of hiccup and crying at the same time.


Seeing this scene, Su Tingyu and Da Hui glanced at each other, and each of them blinked their big eyes innocently.

"It's none of my business..." Su Tingyu bit his lower lip and looked pitifully at Qin Qi, the only witness at the scene.

Da Hui nodded, and just when he was about to say that it had nothing to do with it, he saw Su Tingyu pointing at himself angrily: "It's all Da Hui's fault! It was Da Hui who scared the children to cry! Da Hui That's the big bastard!"

Da Hui Da Hui Da Hui... Da Hui was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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