Bug in survival game

Chapter 322 Angel Apartment 60

Chapter 322 Angel Apartment 60
[Attention all players, this round of "Angel Apartment" puzzle-solving progress: 5/8]

"Huh~ Another player found out the cause of death of the original occupant of a room." Su Tingyu stretched, rubbed his eyes sleepily, and muttered.

Qin Qi: "Let's rest first, and go to the fifth floor to find the landlord at twelve noon."

"Okay~" Su Tingyu waved his little paw and watched Qin Qi leave.

Then, Su Tingyu turned around and went back to the room to sleep.


at noon.

Su Tingyu was woken up by the sound of the bell and the alarm clock set by the bed at the same time.

After getting off the bed, Su Tingyu went to the bathroom first, and after coming out, he had a simple breakfast and went out.

Last night, 3 more progress were added, and Su Tingyu was quite curious about who did it.

After Su Tingyu went down to the second floor and joined Qin Qi and others in room 202, he learned that one of the progress was triggered by Gu Qi and Shan Yu.

"Wow, are you guys so lucky?" Su Tingyu looked at the two of them with small envious eyes, with a little regret on his face.

Sigh~ Why didn't she come across such a good thing of friendly exchanges with neighbors?

When Shan Yu heard this, he gave Su Tingyu a strange look in his eyes.

How do you feel... Susu is quite excited?

【caution!Player "1047736992", "Spell to Summon Dragon" has been eliminated! 】

['Angel Apartment' remaining players: 11]

At this time, the panels of several people popped up, showing that another player was eliminated.

"These two players seem to live on the fifth floor." Fatty looked surprised and confused, and counted with his fingers: "It seems that all the players who live on the fifth floor have been eliminated."

"Fifth floor..." Shan Yu muttered in a low voice, was this eliminated this morning?Or was it last night?

In this round of dungeons, although there is an elimination announcement, there will be a certain delay in time, and the timing of the announcement depends on whether any player has discovered the eliminated player.

If it was eliminated last night, no other players noticed, and the elimination notice would not appear immediately.

Several people shared their experience last night and the clues they found with each other.

Su Tingyu and Qin Qi met Yu Xiao, a junior high school student in room 205.

Shan Yu himself met the little girl Mia in Room 206.

Get rid of these two rooms first, then you can be more sure. The other two progresses last night are: room 2 and room 303.

Now, there are only rooms 205, 206, and 505 left, and the last layer of mystery has not been removed.

Especially room 505.

Su Tingyu was gearing up and was the first to suggest, "Let's go to the fifth floor now!"

"Wait a minute, the last two players on the fifth floor have been eliminated, other players will not be indifferent." Gu Qi said.

"That's right. It's only the third day of the dungeon. There are still two days left. It's not in a hurry." Everyone's hind legs will do.

And this kind of going up to the fifth floor seems to be the main event to challenge the big boss, Fatty thinks it won't be his turn.

Qin Qi: "Since we have the opportunity to contact the original residents of Room 205 and Room 206, we can complete these two progress first."


"That's fine too."


A few people finally made a plan, first to find clues about room 205 and room 206, and finish these two progress tonight, as for the problem of the landlord, wait until tomorrow... Actually, the period is Gu Qi and Qin Qi The two are making up their minds.

Fatty and Shan Yu are supportive of any proposal, which is of little reference, while Su Tingyu... is still thinking about going to the fifth floor right now, Gu Qi is merciless and kicks Su Tingyu's wishes go out.

(End of this chapter)

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