Bug in survival game

Chapter 324 Angel Apartment 62

Chapter 324 Angel Apartment 62
In room 102.

"Ah... woo..." On the sofa, a short-haired female player was tied up with a white cloth. Every time she struggled, some golden sigil patterns would appear on the white cloth.

The short-haired girl let out a low growl of a beast uncontrollably, and the skin on her face showed black lines like forked tree roots, and the source of this strange black line was a bite mark on her neck.

"Xiaoxiang, hold on!" Beside the short-haired girl, a male player with a mushroom cut looked at her anxiously, with a lot of sweat on his forehead.

"What should she do now that she is like this?" Mushroom head turned to look at the long-haired man sitting on the opposite sofa.

The long-haired man glanced at the short-haired woman's pupils, which were almost filled with blood.

"Ah... woo..." The short-haired girl had a handkerchief in her mouth, unable to utter a loud voice. She kept staring in the direction of the long-haired man, pleading with only clarity in her eyes.

"She may not be able to survive tonight. Only by finishing this round of dungeons as soon as possible will she not be eliminated." The long-haired man was silent for a while, and said calmly: "The landlord on the fifth floor must have a big problem , Maybe he can be solved, this round of dungeons will be cleared soon, the power of the undead will increase greatly after midnight, now it is daytime, and the timing is okay."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Mushroom head immediately stood up, with an attitude of rushing to the fifth floor.

"What's the rush?" The long-haired man reached out and massaged his sore neck. He didn't sleep last night, and he had to pay attention to the short-haired woman's condition all the time during the day. There were faint dark circles on his eyes:
"This is a five-star dungeon. Last night we teamed up to deal with something in room 406, and almost failed."

"Do you think you can kill the obviously stronger landlord by yourself?" The long-haired man asked back at the end.

"Then what do we do now?" Mushroom Head asked.

"With our strength alone, the chances of winning are not great, but..." The long-haired male voice paused slightly, and said: "Don't forget, there are a few high-level players in this round of dungeons. There is a common feature, that is, they pay more attention to extra dungeon rewards and maximizing customs clearance dungeons."

"So, we can use them?" Mushroom Head calmed down a little.

"Use?" The long-haired man sneered.

Too naive idea.

Ordinary players have no chance to get in touch with Gaowan, let alone the concept of Gaowan in their minds.

Veteran players who are slightly more experienced than ordinary players are aware of the existence of Gao Wan, but very few of them can clearly realize the gap between themselves and Gao Wan.

Mushroom head is the latter.

As for the long-haired man, he knows too well that not everyone deserves to be called "high play", so he feels that Mushroom Head is too naive.

Still want to play tricks?

I am afraid that the beatings received are too few.

A hint of impatience crossed the long-haired man's heart. If Mushroom Head hadn't been related to him, he wouldn't have bothered to talk to him.

"Don't make any crooked ideas, just leave it to me, and you watch over Xiaoxiang." The long-haired man stood up and looked at the time displayed on the wall clock in the living room. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Mushroom Head: "Okay, I will take a good look at Xiaoxiang."


On the second floor, in the corridor.

"Ahem, what..." Fatty was about to say something to cheer up the atmosphere, when a figure appeared at the stairs.

In the next second, the hearty voice of the long-haired man sounded:

"Gu Jiuye... oh? It turns out that the three of you are staying together. It just so happens that I just wanted to find the three of you..."

(End of this chapter)

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