Bug in survival game

Chapter 330 Angel Apartment 68

Chapter 330 Angel Apartment 68
With a smile on Shan Yu's face, she raised her hand and rubbed Miya's head. Suddenly, she raised her right leg and stepped on the area between Yu Yong's legs!

On the side, the fat man saw that the sharp heels of the red high-heeled shoes were still being trampled on by Yu Yong...he swallowed his saliva, and subconsciously clamped his legs.

"Miya, look, here..." Shan Yu stretched out a finger lightly, pointing to the position where her high heels are stepping on: "This is the most vulnerable place for this kind of mud... Besides..."

Shan Yu put down his legs and walked to Yu Yong's feet, his smile remained unchanged, he swung the kitchen knife neatly, and chopped off both soles of Yu Yong's feet.

"Ah ah ah..."

Yu Yong's screams became louder, Shan Yu turned his head and looked at Miya who was a little dazed, "Chop off his feet, and he won't be able to catch up with you."

While speaking, Shan Yu returned to Miya's side again. This time, she brought Miya closer to Yu Yong, handed the kitchen knife to Miya, and held Miya's little hand with her own hands.

"Come on, my sister will teach you..." Shan Yu softly whispered in Miya's ear.

"What else... By the way, there are two disgusting claws of this mud. If you chop them off, you won't be able to catch Miya..."

"Also, if you dig out this disgusting eyeball, you won't be able to find Miya..."


The fat man shook his legs, leaned against the wall, and covered his mouth with his hands.

Because the fat man was afraid that he would vomit it out.

Even if the fat man has seen dead people and turned over piles of corpses, but suddenly he has to watch with his own eyes how to chop off heads and eyes, chop hands and feet... He feels a bit unbearable.

After Yu Yong was completely silent, the panels of the two popped up:

[Congratulations to the player 'Going South and North' and 'Sick Beauty' for successfully finding out the cause of death of Miya, the deceased in room 206, the progress of solving the puzzle: 5.3/8]

The confused fat man blinked: "What... what is the cause of death?"

As soon as the fat man said this, Shan Yu turned his head and glanced at him, the latter shuddered directly, and gave a silly smile full of desire to survive.

The fat man glanced at the dismembered corpse on the ground from the corner of his eye... Hiss, he finally came to his senses at this time, so he clapped his hands and applauded: "Well chopped up! This kind of scum! It should be chopped up!"

【caution!The player "traveling north and south" and "sick beauty" trigger the exclusive hidden task of Miya in Room 206—I really want to love this world]

[Mission Background: Whenever the bell rings at midnight, the little girl covered in scars and lost her warm harbor can only hide in a dark corner, crying quietly, at an innocent age, how much she wants to love this world]

[Mission content: Miya in room 206 wants a 'home']

[Mission Condition: Complete within the first night after accepting the mission]

[Task reward: 200 game coins]

After waiting for a few seconds, the exclusive task was refreshed. However, when the two of them saw the content of the task above, they were a little confused.

"This... is this what you want us to send Mia home?" The fat man guessed.

Shan Yu turned to look at Miya.

At this moment, Miya was holding the kitchen knife in her hand, and most of the fear in her eyes had subconsciously dissipated, and her face still looked a little excited.

"Miya, do you want to go home?" Shan Yu asked.

Room 206 is not far away, just a few steps away, Miya will be able to reach this home.

"Sister." Miya hugged Shan Yu's waist, and rubbed her face twice: "I want to follow my sister, my sister will protect Mia, and Miya will also protect my sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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