Bug in survival game

Chapter 335 Angel Apartment 73

Chapter 335 Angel Apartment 73
And Su Tingyu was wondering about one point: "There is only the last progress left, who is missing?"

"Lord, Wen Ruojun." Qin Qi said, "He caused the fire, but it doesn't mean he was also burned to death."

"Huh? He wasn't burned to death?" Su Tingyu scratched his head.

"The number of figures in the original painting adds up to sixteen, all of whom are murderers or accomplices. If Wen Ruojun is added, the number will be one less." Gu Qi said.

Su Tingyu was stunned.


When did Gu Qi count the people in the painting?

Why doesn't she know? !

Su Tingyu curled his lips: "Then how did Wen Ruojun die? He couldn't be the one who set fire to kill all the murderers, and then committed suicide, right?"

"Yes." Suddenly, a clear and strange male voice sounded in the room.

"Damn it!" Su Tingyu was taken aback and uttered a beautiful national curse.

The three of them turned their heads almost at the same time, and looked around warily, but they didn't see a single figure or ghost.

Qingyue's male voice continued: "Don't look for me, you won't find me, I've already integrated into this apartment."

Su heard the fish eyes roll, and asked tentatively: "Are you Wen Ruojun?"

Qingyue male voice: "Yes."

"I'll go!" Su Tingyu's eyes widened: "What's so fat? You made a fire, burned the murderers to death, and then committed suicide, and now it's become... an angel's apartment?"


With Wen Ruojun's final sound, the panel popped up again:
[Congratulations to the players 'Angel Su', 'Qin Qi' and 'He' for successfully finding out the cause of death of the original occupant of Room 505, puzzle solving progress: 8/8]

[Congratulations to the players 'Angel Su', 'Qin Qi' and 'Oh' for completing the exclusive hidden mission - Yu Xiao's call for help. After the dungeon is over, you can get a reward of 200 game coins]

The panel shows that Wen Ruojun's cause of death has been found out, which is not surprising, after all, he said it himself, so it's strange that it didn't show it.

But why did Yu Xiao's exclusive mission pop up at this time?Still showing completed?
Su Tingyu turned his head to look at the two of them, and his eyes signaled: Yu Xiao asked for help for himself?Or begged for Wen Ruojun?
Gu Qi glanced around the room, and said in a cold tone, "In the Angel's apartment, only Yu Xiao found out that Wen Ruohan took your place, right?"

"Oh... yes, this child..." Qingyue's male voice was not as calm as the previous few times this time, and there was a little guilt in his voice.

At this moment, the three of them also understood why Yu Xiao's exclusive mission did not appear to be completed until after Wen Ruojun uttered his voice.

Earlier, I learned from the disabled youth that the real landlord, Wen Ruojun, was very kind to Yu Xiao, and was the only one who was tolerant of him and invited him into the house regardless of past suspicions.

Therefore, when Yu Xiao discovered the series of schemes behind Wen Ruohan, he always wanted to stop it or remind others.

"Since you merged with the Angel Apartment, why didn't you come out to stop Wen Ruohan before? And let those murderers live in the original tenant's room during the day?" Su Tingyu couldn't understand this point.

If it wasn't for the panel, she wouldn't have believed that this inexplicable voice was Wen Ruojun himself.

Wen Ruojun slowly said: "That painting has been hanging on the wall of the bedroom before, restricting my consciousness and behavior. The figures in the painting are actually the origin of those murderers. What you killed is only the clone. The paintings are not destroyed, they will soon be restored..."

(End of this chapter)

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