Bug in survival game

Chapter 341: Qi Bubai's Report

Chapter 341: Qi Bubai's Report
At this time, Gu Qi walked in from the door. He first glanced at Qin Qi, then glanced around, and found that Su Tingyu was not there. He frowned: "Where is Su Tingyu?"

The fat man replied: "Boss, she has a token that triggers it, and it should be in the dungeon now."

Gu Qi's eyes fluctuated, but he didn't find it too strange.

That guy picked up several keepsakes in the event dungeon, so it's not surprising that he was suddenly pulled in one day.

"Since she didn't come out, there is food in the kitchen, you should have something to eat first." Gu Qi said a few words, turned around and left.

But the fat man was a little flattered: "Okay, boss!"

"Brother Qin, what do you want to eat, I'll get it for you..."



Gu Qi went back to the study, Qi Bubai was already waiting inside.

Seeing that Gu got up, Qi Bubai bowed slightly: "Master."


After Gu Qi sat down, Qi Bubai began to report the recent situation.

After the Children's Day copy was over, Xiao Si's forces began to investigate the identities of Su Tingyu and the others.

At present, because Fatty didn't hide his identity very much, he has already been found out in various ways, while Su Tingyu and Qin Qi's identities are more secretive. When Qin Qi was found, Gu Qi immediately let Qi Bu Bai went to hide the identities of the two of them. So far, Xiao Si has not found out much.

"Master, I need to pay attention to Feng Nanbei's going out in the near future, maybe Xiao Si will use Feng Nanbei as a breakthrough." Qi Bubai said.

"Since he likes to stare so much, you go arrange some fake identities, make it bigger, and divert his attention."

"This is a way, I will arrange it later." Qi Bubai thought for a while, and thought it was feasible.

The matter about Xiao Si is only the first thing that needs to be reported.

"Master, there are rumors from abroad that Li Ge has entered the country."

"Li Ge?" Gu Qi frowned slightly: "He was targeting Su Tingyu."


The child looked very concerned about Su Tingyu, and nothing happened to the latter.

"Once Li Ge's whereabouts are found, it will be disclosed to the Red Department and let the country deal with him."

This is the Celestial Dynasty, the land of China, not a foreign country that advocates freedom, no matter how much he wants to kill Li Ge directly to avoid future troubles, he can only restrain himself.

Furthermore, he had dealt with the Red Ministry before and had some friendship with the government, so he couldn't openly challenge the authority of the country.

And leaving it to the country to deal with mercenaries like Li Ge who entered the country illegally is the best choice.

After all, the Celestial Dynasty is known as a forbidden place for mercenaries, and this statement is not groundless.

"Su Tingyu's identity, what did you find out?" Gu Qi didn't forget this point, the child and this guy only met through games, and Su Tingyu's identity in reality seemed a bit elusive.

"At present, I can only find out that Su Tingyu works in Yaoyu. The specific job position is unknown, her life experience is unknown, and it is not clear whether she has relatives and friends." Speaking of this, Qi Bubai felt a little guilty. One of his rare setbacks.

Gu Qi pondered for a few seconds and said, "Forget it, there is no need to investigate."

Everyone has secrets, Gu Qi was too lazy to explore one by one, but seeing that Su Tingyu and Qin Qi have a good relationship, and they met in the game, so he paid more attention.

No matter who Su Tingyu is or what status he has, as long as he doesn't hurt Qin Qi.

"Master, there is one more thing. You ordered before to find a male caregiver who is innocent, young, obedient, a little silly, and easy to fool. The candidate has been determined." Qi Bubai held a A file bag is handed over to Gu Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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