Bug in survival game

Chapter 344 Only believe in yourself

Chapter 344 Only believe in yourself
The curly-haired woman was stunned for a moment: "...well, what's your name Su..." She wasn't there at the time and only found out afterwards.

But it was just a little assistant, and the curly-haired woman didn't pay much attention.

"Her name is Su Tingyu." Shan Yu said.

"Okay, sister Yu."

The curly-haired woman didn't ask Shan Yu why he wanted to investigate an ordinary person, because she knew that Shan Yu didn't need a manager who asked questions and often pointed fingers, so she answered directly.

The two left the lounge together and went to the shooting location.

"By the way, those scripts from last week have been pushed by me. Apart from this drama recently, I won't take on new dramas or endorsement." He only enters the dungeon once a day, and if he stays outside for filming, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

"It's all pushed..." the curly-haired woman was surprised.

Although she has only been with Shan Yu for a year, she also knows that the latter is a money-hungry workaholic, as long as there are high-paying scripts and endorsements, and the schedule does not conflict, she will follow them all.

Even when she was sick, she still worked. This was the first time the curly-haired woman heard that Shan Yu took the initiative to relieve herself of her work.

Shan Yu asked back: "Is there a problem?"

"No...no problem, I'll push those scripts and endorsements later." The curly-haired woman said quickly.

"Well, also, the martial arts gym I applied for doubles the training time, you go to plan the timetable."


Seeing that the curly-haired woman didn't ask any further questions, Shan Yu looked back slightly satisfied.

This parallel paradise does not feel peaceful...

Shan Yu doesn't trust anyone, and she never trusts any backers, she only trusts herself.

...you can only trust yourself.


Five p.m.

After Shan Yu finished his day's work, he returned to the hotel he had booked in advance exhausted.

After locking the door of the hotel room, closing the windows tightly, and drawing the curtains, Shan Yu turned on all the lights in every corner, then took a set of pajamas and bath products, and went to the bathroom.

Similarly, she locked the bathroom door, Shan Yu took off her clothes and soaked in the bathtub filled with warm water.

After about half an hour, Shan Yu came out in loose pajamas, while wiping her hair with a towel, she took out a hair dryer.

Just when she was about to dry her hair, the cell phone that Shan Yu left on the bed rang.

Shan Yu put down the hair dryer, walked over a few steps, picked up the phone, glanced at the note on the caller ID, and paused.

Then, with a swipe of his finger, the call was connected.

A faint smile appeared on Shan Yu's face:

"Godfather, why do you call me when you have time?"

The slightly playful and suspicious voice made the middle-aged man on the other end laugh.

"Haha, by the way, I haven't looked for Xiaoyu for a long time, it's because my godfather was negligent." The middle-aged man laughed.

Shan Yu smiled sweetly, and slightly raised a strand of hair on her chest with her fingers: "Then... is there any compensation?"

"How about this, you go home in three days, me, you, and your brother, let's have a good get together, how about it?"

"Yes." Shan Yu's eyes flickered slightly, but his tone remained unchanged.

"That's it...you don't work too late and too tired."


After the call was over, Shan Yu threw the phone back on the bed, and the smile disappeared instantly.

This old fox... what kind of trick does he want to play?
Just a simple family dinner?
(End of this chapter)

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