Bug in survival game

Chapter 356 2 Miles Under the Sea 11

Chapter 356 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 11
Fourth, the Venado Islands belong to a human kingdom named Venado, and the land and nearby seas occupied by the human race are basically forbidden areas in the eyes of marine life, let alone ordinary marine life, even for a short period of time. Higher marine creatures that have transformed into human forms also avoid human settlements.

Back then, out of curiosity, the young Princess Nari turned into a human and slipped onto the Venado Islands.

In the past 200 years, the human race on the Venado Islands has developed rapidly and invented various detection machines. It is no longer a place where marine life can come and go at will.

If marine life is discovered on land, it will eventually become a pet in the palm of the human race or a delicacy on the table.


The elder mermaid went into details and told the players the information of these four areas.

Finally, the elder mermaid gave each player a map.

"Great Elder, let's set off now and strive to find the lost orb for the Mermaid Kingdom as soon as possible." Although these four areas sound dangerous, they still can't stop the enthusiasm of most players
"Thank you all brave men." The elder mermaid bent down and bowed deeply: "My brave men, you might as well rest here for a while before setting off to search for orbs."


"That's disturbing."


The players are also extremely curious about the Mermaid Kingdom.

Until now, Su Tingyu has noticed that this dungeon world seems...unusual.

After visiting the murals, the Great Elder Mermaid took the player to a banquet that had just been set up, specially for the braves.

The news of the brave man coming to the mermaid country gradually spread, attracting more and more mermaids to the banquet, wanting to see the heroic figure of the brave man.

At this banquet, the mermaid queen appeared again, but it was just a formality, and left after saying a few words on the scene.

Su Tingyu frowned slightly as she watched the mermaid queen's gradually disappearing back.

It stands to reason that all the mermaids in the mermaid country respect the brave, even the mermaid elder who is under one person, but the mermaid queen is the only one who responds mediocrely.

If it is the king of a country, it is understandable to maintain the majesty of the king, but Su Tingyu still finds it strange.

At the banquet, the mermaids presented many special delicacies of their own country, but all of them were raw.

But in the crowd, the players can only bite the bullet and eat some small fish and shrimp.

The banquet was held for a day and a night before the end. The players, who were physically and mentally exhausted, fell asleep the first time they went to the residence arranged by the mermaids.

Su Tingyu was also assigned a residence, and the indoor environment was not bad.

"Thank you." Su Tingyu thanked.

"You're welcome, honorable Mr. Brave." The mermaid maid folded her hands on her navel, her eyebrows lowered pleasingly: "If there is anything you need, Mr. Brave can just ring the bell beside the bed."

Su Tingyu turned his head to look in the direction pointed by the mermaid maid, and said it was a bed... It was actually a huge empty shell covered with soft seaweed, and the shell was decorated with corals of various colors.

And on a flat stone next to the shell, there is a bell.

"Okay." Su Tingyu replied.

After the mermaid maid left, Su Tingyu walked around the room.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Su Tingyu sat in the big shell and began to digest the information he had obtained so far.

Since the task of "Looking for the Heart of the Brave" was refreshed, there has been no response. Su Tingyu is very curious about the eight qualities required by the heart of the brave. What are the criteria for judging?What can I do to get the approval of the conch token?

(End of this chapter)

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