Bug in survival game

Chapter 360 2 Miles Under the Sea 15

Chapter 360 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 15
Inside the hall.

The mermaid queen was elegant and luxurious, she was not angry and majestic, she sat on the throne, and said lightly: "Have you all left?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The elder mermaid bowed slightly, and he raised his hand to stroke his beard: "I hope that this group of outsiders will have a brave man who meets the requirements."

The mermaid queen frowned slightly, and her tone was tinged with worry: "Time is running out, so make second-hand preparations. If all the outsiders fail the test, then..."


Su Tingyu dodged several teams of patrolling mermaid guards, and it took another 10 minutes before he approached the main hall.

However, the guarding force inside the palace is smaller than the guarding force in the outer protective cover area.

The mermaid guards in front of the hall had already been called away by the elder mermaid inside, so it was convenient for Su Tingyu to eavesdrop.

There were intermittent small voices coming from the hidden palace door. Su Tingyu had just arrived, but she didn't hear clearly. However, she recognized the owner of the voice, who happened to be the Mermaid Queen and the Great Mermaid Elder she was looking for.

"This is... what are you discussing?" Su Tingyu murmured in his heart, and quietly stuck his head in.

"...Princess Nari, has anyone ordered someone to take care of it?" The Mermaid Queen's cold voice sounded.

Princess Nelly?

The happy Princess Neri who stole the purification conch and went out for a walk?

Su Tingyu subconsciously pricked up his ears.

The elder mermaid replied: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take care of it personally to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Well, those outsiders, I hope one of them will become a brave..." The Mermaid Queen raised her hand and rubbed the center of her brows lightly, a trace of tiredness flashed across her face.

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to self-cultivation." The mermaid elder said.

"Elder Lao is worried. Whether it's for our homeland or for the sea god, I will support it until the moment when the brave man appears."


Outside the palace gate, Su Tingyu felt a chill in his heart.

Is it us players?

The mermaids already knew the player's identity from the very beginning?No, it's just an "outsider". The most confirmed players are not from this world, let alone the so-called brave.

It's just...Su Tingyu didn't understand a little bit. The mermaid queen and the mermaid elder had been worrying about whether the real brave would appear, and they didn't mention the lost orb at all.

Su Tingyu looked left and right, and when the hem of the skirt was slightly lifted, he finally determined the color of the mermaid queen's tail.

——It is golden unyielding.

Because the skirt is very long and wide, it is difficult to see the tail of the fish underneath when it is dragged on the ground and does not move a lot. Moreover, the skirt is golden in the same color, so Su Tingyu didn't have much impression at first.

Su Tingyu eavesdropped for a while, and the content of the subsequent conversation was no longer about the brave man.

"Recently, how is the situation of the eight major tribes..."

"It's a little unclear, or it's getting worse..."

"Two days ago, there was another team of guards whose hearts and souls were completely infected...it is no longer possible to continue to work as a guard..."


Seeing that time was running out, Su Tingyu quietly left the place, wanting to go to other places to find new clues.

"There seems to be something wrong with the Mermaid Kingdom..." On the way, Su Tingyu pondered in his heart based on the information he overheard.

"Could it be that only the emergence of a brave man can save the mermaid kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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