Bug in survival game

Chapter 368 2 Miles Under the Sea 23

Chapter 368 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 23
"..." The Longjiao boy's eyes were slightly dull for a moment.

"I, I, I...you, you, you...you lie!" The Longjiao boy always felt weird, "You are a human race, and I am not yet an adult, you must be older than me!"

hey yo!

what old?
Su Tingyu's eyes instantly became dangerous: "Say it again?"

"I, I, I..." The Longjiao boy became submissive all of a sudden, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Sure enough... the teacher is right, females are a kind of strange creatures.

"Fruit, bring it." Su Tingyu stretched out his hand.

The Longjiao boy immediately shook his head: "No, no, no... no way!"

Su Tingyu pointed to the body of the tree demon: "This, I killed it. The fruit is a trophy, so it belongs to me."

The Longjiao boy blushed a little, but he really needed this fruit, so he could only be cheeky and play a rogue: "I, I, I...I picked it up! It's mine!"

hey yo!

Su Tingyu had no patience.

Carrying a meteor stick that was taller than her, she walked in the direction of the dragon-horned boy step by step...

"You, you... what do you want?"

"You, you, you...don't come here! Don't come here!"

"I, I, I... I'm fierce! I eat people!"

When the Longjiao boy saw Su Tingyu approaching him, he faintly felt something was wrong and looked like he was facing an enemy.

"Hehe..." Su Tingyu gave him a self-experienced look, then raised the meteor stick, and his face instantly became fierce!
Su Tingyu hit the head with a stick!
"Steal my fruit, right?"

"You picked it up, didn't you?"

"You're underage, aren't you?"


The Longjiao boy wanted to run away, but the strange thing was that the meteor stick in Su Tingyu's hand could always hit his forehead or buttocks, causing him to scream in pain.

"Stop beating...you'll turn my back on me if you beat me again!" The Longjiao boy covered his head with one hand and his buttocks with the other, biting the sharp top of the fruit with his mouth, his face was full of anger: "Human race that is rude and barbaric! If not Seeing that you saved my life, I, I, I... I've already lost my temper!"

"Yo~" Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then let me see if you are the fierce one?" As he said that, Su Tingyu took advantage of the distraction of the boy with the dragon horn, and made another sneak attack with a stick, hitting the latter's ass.

"You you... you sneak attack!"

"Oh...don't...don't...don't fight!"

"Hit again... hit me again... ouch!"


The dragon-horned boy wanted to rise up and resist...

Then goose.

In the end, he held the fruit tightly with both hands, no longer covering his head and buttocks, and arched his head on the ground, playing a rogue: "You, you, you... you killed me! This fruit is mine too!"

Now, Su Tingyu was a little speechless.

Where did this little mental retardation pop up?

Rough skin and thick flesh.

Bullying him still looks like a fairy who didn't pay IQ tax~
So, Su's face changed after listening to the Yuchuan drama, and his expression suddenly became amiable: "Why do you want this fruit? Are you hungry?"

"It's just... that's not it!" The boy with long horns gave Su Tingyu a disdainful look.

Sure enough, the teacher didn't lie to me, the human race is a foodie, and they want to eat everything they see...

"This... this is dragon fire fruit, a very, very... very precious body-building material! It is also... also the purpose... goal of my training! As long as you take it back, you will be able to Just... no dragon will look down on me!" The boy with the horns of the dragon explained stumblingly.

Su Tingyu frowned, trying to understand.


Su Tingyu glanced at the horns on the boy's head: "Are you a dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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