Bug in survival game

Chapter 370 2 Miles Under the Sea 25

Chapter 370 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 25
While picking up the fruit, the dragon-horned boy complained angrily: "Those humans! They are so bad! They are so bad... so bad! Dangdangdang... Of course, it's not about you, the benefactor..." The head of the dragon-horned boy and The ass is very eager to survive, and immediately added the last sentence on his mouth.

"Oh~ How exactly is it broken?" Su Tingyu took back the meteor stick and picked up a fruit casually.

"Those bad humans, they eat everything! As long as it can be cooked or roasted, they can eat everything in their stomachs. Many marine species are almost extinct by them!"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes with an innocent face.

not her not her not her...

"Those bad people, they make everything! What kind of factory machine cannons, and then discharge a pile of black oil into the sea, and wow, they can even produce garbage!" The boy with long horns said, his tone paused , very confused:
"The creatures in the ocean are all pulled by rakes. Why can the human race produce garbage that even rake fish don't eat?"

The rake fish is a peculiar fish in the sea. It doesn't eat anything, but only eats the rakes pulled by other creatures.

"Ah, this..." Su Tingyu rolled his eyes and thought for a while, but he still couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

And the Longjiao boy continued to complain:

"Humans are all insidious and cunning creatures, they are especially good at taking advantage, and they are especially good at fooling other creatures... My teacher, the most handsome dragon of the dragon clan, was deceived by a human woman a few years ago Woolen cloth!"

"Wow~" Su Tingyu's big eyes lit up slightly: "What's going on? How do you know? Your teacher admitted it himself?"

The Longjiao boy shook his head: "No, this is a rumor in the clan."

"Oh... wait, why don't you stutter?"

"Well, me, when I'm nervous, I stutter, hehe... Now that I'm not nervous, I don't stutter." The boy with long horns smiled foolishly.

Su Tingyu was slightly startled, it could still be like this.

"Senpai, I've finished picking the dragon fire fruit, do you want it?" When the dragon horn boy picked the fruit, he didn't twist off the fruit directly, but left a branch and leaf, and then tied all the branches and leaves of the fruit together , can drag all the fruits over with one hand.

Su Tingyu: This crying Baolong... Obviously the fruit belongs to her!
After Su Tingyu got the fruit, the panel also popped out. She took a look at it and knew that this thing is one of the main materials of a body training method. However, this method is not suitable for human's fragile body.

So... this thing is useless to Su Tingyu, she is a soft little fairy.

"It's all for you." Su Tingyu also threw the fruit in his hand to the boy with long horns.

"Thank you benefactor! You are such a good person! The teacher is right, there are still some friendly people in the human race..." The boy with long horns grinned and took the fruit with a smile.

When the Longjiao boy looked up at Su Tingyu, his smile paused, and then his face became a little puzzled: "Benefactor, the conch on your chest...why did it change color?"

"Ah? Discoloration?" Su Tingyu looked down blankly, and the next second, his eyes widened in surprise.

The conch...the conch is glowing!

Pink light!

"What changes color? It's glowing..." Su Tingyu replied, quickly took off the conch, and checked it over and over again.

She read it right, it really shines!
Pink...pink...pink friendly? !

Su Tingyu turned his head violently, and stared at the curious Longjiao boy with scorching eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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