Bug in survival game

Chapter 381 2 Miles Under the Sea 36

Chapter 381 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 36
"I'm really not a mermaid!" Su Tingyu yelled helplessly, holding his right hand empty, and the Death Blade appeared in his hand.

Raising the knife to block it, the impact force forced Su Tingyu's figure to fall continuously.

Ao Feijue retracted his saber, his figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind Su Tingyu in the blink of an eye, with the long saber in his hand pointing directly at the latter's neck.

The chill came from behind, Su Tingyu quickly adjusted the thrust direction of his belt, turned from back to front, and his body instantly swam upwards.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tingyu turned around quickly, and the horizontal knife blocked the long knife.

Ao Feijue's eyes narrowed slightly. He glanced at Su Tingyu's weapon and found that it was not a trident commonly used by mermaids. He sneered: "Even the weapon has been changed, it looks very similar."

"You, you, you...don't fight!" Ao Pocang shouted anxiously: "Teacher! Teacher! She, she, she...she saved my life in the purple coral forest. She came from a good person, and she must not be a bad person. fish!"

Ao Feijue remained unmoved, and continued to press Su Tingyu to fight. Several times, Su Tingyu almost got slapped.

Such a strong dragon always likes to play tricks.

"You're stupid, aren't you! I really think I've lost my temper!" Su Tingyu was also full of anger after being pressed and beaten by the dragon, but as soon as he turned his face, he sold out to the death blade in his hand: "Dude! , he bullied me, you figure it out!"

As the words fell, a dark blood light condensed from the blade of the death blade, revealing the coldness of the nether hell.

Ao Feijue frowned: "This breath..." There seemed to be something wrong with this weapon.

This is not the power that marine life can have...

"You're not a star lantern fish, who are you?" At this moment, Ao Feijue's face gradually calmed down, but his wariness towards Su Tingyu increased rather than diminished.

"I'm really not." Su Tingyu took off the scales of the starlight fish on his face: "I'm a human race, not a fish."

"Human race?" Ao Feijue looked at Su Tingyu again: "Human race is impossible to enter the sea, you..." Ao Feijue suddenly found that the sea water around Su Tingyu didn't seem to be able to touch her body surface. Look, it seems to be separated by some kind of transparent film.

A witch's ability?
Su Tingyu was not surprised that something was wrong. Although the water-avoiding beads can avoid water, the disadvantage is that it is a bit conspicuous.

"Ahem, actually..." Su Tingyu raised his head and chest, and said proudly, "I am a legendary brave man, and this conch is a token. I came to Dragon Palace to find the heart of a brave man."

"The brave? The heart of the brave?" Ao Feijue said with doubts on his face, "You are definitely not helping the mermaid find orbs."

Cough cough... by the way, by the way, find the orb.

Su Tingyu slandered secretly.

"Don't believe me? Ask Ao Po Cang, he has seen my conch glow." Su Tingyu said.

Ao Feijue turned his head to look at Ao Pocang.

"Ah... that's right, it glowed in the purple coral forest, it was pink light." Ao Pocang replied quickly.

"Do you know the eight qualities of a brave man?"

"Naturally." Su Tingyu quickly spoke out the eight qualities.

On the side, Ao Po Cang listened, feeling a little familiar.

"Teacher, my benefactor is definitely not a bad person."

Ao Feijue stared at Su Tingyu, and suddenly remembered that when the latter confessed just now, the conch was also glowing.

Ao Feijue frowned, feeling very puzzled.

The legendary brave man actually exists?

Although Ao Feijue has never seen a brave man, the ancestral training of the Dragon Clan also mentions a brave man.

There is no problem with the character of a creature that can become a hero.

(End of this chapter)

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