Bug in survival game

Chapter 396 2 Miles Under the Sea 51

Chapter 396 Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 51
Su Tingyu bent down, and gently grabbed the white paper with ghostly symbols on the ground. She couldn't understand what was drawn on it, anyway, it was just as weird as this old man.

Just as Su Tingyu put the pile of papers in his arms on the shelf the old man said, a group of people suddenly came outside the store, pointing at the store and discussing.

"Is it here?"

"That's right, that's right here..."

"This is the black shop that the master said, we smashed it!"


A group of people rushed into the store and threw the items on the ground when they saw them.

Su Tingyu stood aside with a confused face: "...Wow, is this really a black shop?"

Su Tingyu turned his head to look at the old man at the counter, and saw that the latter had a calm face, as if he was not surprised at all. He picked up a glass bottle filled with green liquid and threw it among the group of people!
The glass bottle shattered in an instant. After the liquid inside flowed out, as soon as it came into contact with the air, it immediately vaporized into a gas and gradually spread out.

"What is this..."

"Ouch...it stinks..."

"No, no, no... I can't do it... I'll go first..."


This group of people came aggressively and fled in a panic.

As the only bystander, Su Tingyu's eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing that the weird gas was going to spread out, even Su Tingyu's side was no exception, the old man picked up a slender black stick, just pointed it towards the air in front of him, and a string of stars flashed from the tip.

Then, as if the gas in the store was under control, it was all sucked into the black stick in an orderly manner.

"This... magic?" Seeing this miraculous scene, Su Tingyu's big eyes flickered brightly.

I rely on.

Su Tingyu knew that the world background of this round of dungeons was a Western-style world, but he never expected that it was still a Western fantasy world!

"What a fuss." The old man withdrew his magic wand indifferently: "Little girl, don't block the door, hurry up, don't delay my business."


Do business?
I'm afraid they are all people who come to smash the scene, right?
Su Tingyu complained silently.

"Little girl, do you want to learn magic?" The old man saw Su Tingyu's little thought at a glance, and pointed it out directly.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu nodded immediately, blinking his big sincere eyes: "This magic is so cool..."

The old man chuckled: "You want to learn? It's a pity, you can't learn."

"Why?" Su Tingyu frowned.

"You are not of the right age. You are too old. If you want to learn now, it is already too late. You should die." The old man put the remaining bottles and jars into the counter.

As soon as Su Tingyu heard it, he wanted to hit someone.

This old man is definitely playing with her!

"Hmph, if you don't know how to teach, you won't know how to teach, slightly~" Anyway, Su Tingyu was not disappointed. He made a face at the old man, turned around and was about to leave this strange shop.

The old man was not shy at all, and directed Su Tingyu confidently: "Hey, little girl, sweep the glass shards on the floor, the broom is by the door."

Su Ting rolled his eyes and turned his head: "Sweeping the floor? Yes, 100 gold coins!"

"Hehe, the little girl can still speak like a lion?" The old man was not angry, but smiled: "I don't have any gold coins, but I can send you a message."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "What news?" Why is this old man so strange.

"Little girl, what you're looking for doesn't exist at all, so don't waste your time." The old man left such inexplicable words, turned around and walked into the small room deeper in the shop.

Su Tingyu stayed where he was, with a dazed expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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