Bug in survival game

Chapter 510 Get enough game coins!

Chapter 510 Get enough game coins!

Qi Bubai pushed open Qin Qi's room door, and Su Tingyu and the others were in the room.

"Assistant Zit."

"Brother Qi."

Fatty and Wei Chu greeted each other one after another.

Qi Bubai nodded slightly, then turned to look at Su Tingyu: "Miss Su, please come out."

"Okay." Su Tingyu responded, stood up, and walked out of the room with Qi Bubai one after the other.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Fatty looked at the closed door again, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.


outside the walkway.

"Miss Su, all the bronze props and ordinary props that have been traded recently have been traded at low prices. In addition, 400 diamond props have also been traded. After taking out 5% of the intermediary fee, the total is 90.25w games The coins will be transferred to you within today."

Qi Bubai explained his recent gains in a calm manner.

"90 game coins?" Su Tingyu was surprised after hearing this.

I didn't expect that the game currency needed for the dream restoration agent could be collected so easily. Although I wanted to trade a large number of items, the difficulty was how to realize this quickly.

"Why are they all diamonds and items below diamonds? Are they so valuable? 90?" In addition to being surprised by the 90 game coins, Su Tingyu was even more surprised that there was not a single rare item in this transaction.

Wouldn't it be punishment for posting game currency?

Qi Bubai smiled when he heard this: "Miss Su, do you have any misunderstanding about the number of your props? Among the 90, 400 diamond props are traded at an average low price of 2000 game coins each. 80."

Su Tingyu silently calculated in his heart...it seems, yes.

The price of diamond props is generally between 1000 and 8000, and it is sold at 2000 game currency, which is indeed a low price.

"As for why you don't trade diamond-grade or higher items..." Qi Bubai smiled helplessly: "Miss Su, rare items and even blue mysterious items are too expensive, so if you cut the price rashly and don't mention the benefits, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion... "

"Moreover, the higher the level of props, the rarer they are, and the easier it is to be recognized. Although it is the default rule to pick up equipment individually in the dungeon, you've 'picked up' a little...a little more."

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.


The subtext of Qi Bubai's last words is: keep a low profile, so as not to cause public anger.

Although Angel Su is the number one thing on the children's day hunting list, almost all the old players are well aware that there is a reward order on her.

At this time, with the addition of the notoriety of "leak picking maniac", it is estimated that everyone will really be reduced to a situation where everyone shouts and beats.

As an accomplice, Xing helped trade "stolen goods", so his reputation would not be much better.

"Well, that's good." Su Tingyu nodded: "Then don't worry about trading the remaining items, just trade them at the normal trading price, and I will send you a list later, except for the game currency, other items I need trade items."


"By the way, today is the 14th, and there is a new copy of the event on the 20th. Do you want to participate?"

The 90 game currency is about to be available, and Su Tingyu is no longer short of game currency. What's more, is the interest in Parallel Paradise itself.

Entering more dungeons, you may be able to discover the intention and existence of Parallel Paradise in the dungeons.

Su Tingyu didn't believe the mastermind behind all the effort to get so many players in, and didn't have any intentions.

However, relying on her own strength alone is also somewhat difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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