Chapter 518
The next day.

in the afternoon.

Starting in the morning, Su Tingyu, who made several stops in a row, got off the train at the train station.

The feeling of stepping on the ground made Su Tingyu feel as if he had just woken up from a dream.

This is a relatively remote small county town. It took Su Tingyu about half an hour for an online car-hailing car to make an appointment, and then waited for another half an hour before the online car-hailing car finally arrived.

"Little girl, are you going home alone to visit relatives?"

On the way, the enthusiastic uncle driver found a topic.

"Yeah, I haven't been back for a long time."

The map software on Su Tingyu's mobile phone is navigating, and the car is moving forward according to the route on the map. She turns her head and looks out of the car window. The tall buildings gradually disappear in her field of vision, and a large stretch of green fields like an ocean stretches endlessly. The edge is connected with rolling hills.

An hour and a half later, Su Tingyu finally saw some people in the village outside the car window after bumping all the way.

The driver complained: "It has been more than ten years, and the road has not been repaired here, and there are many potholes..."

After Su Tingyu heard this, he couldn't help chuckling: "Uncle, do you often walk this distance?"

"No, it's just a one-way trip every ten days and a half months." The driver explained: "Nowadays, roads and bridges are being built everywhere, and this place is not far from the nearest county seat, but it's strange that it hasn't changed for more than ten years. Very much."

"By the way, in some villages around here, there are very few young people and children, almost all of them are old, sick and disabled, and there are very few healthy people."

"It's so strange." Su Tingyu nodded in agreement.

"When you get to the place, let's just say here? If you go any further, the car will not be able to pass." The driver stopped the car, looked at the phone map, and turned to ask Su Tingyu.

"Well, thank you, uncle." Su Tingyu took the endorsement and got out of the car.

After closing the car door, Su Tingyu took a few steps back.

The car backed up, turned around, and left along the same road it came from.

Su Tingyu turned his head to look at the village in front of him, but instead of entering, he gradually walked away in another direction.

In the mountains, Su Tingyu walked for a while.

"This this way?"

"It seems to be going the wrong way? It's... over there!"


I haven't been here for a long time. The vegetation in the mountains grows wildly, covering up many traces. Su Tingyu struggled for half an hour before finding the secret entrance to the research institute.

After Su Tingyu successfully brushed his face, a mysterious passage was opened in the mountains.

Su Tingyu walked in and saw a sign with words on the wall at a glance.

—— Institute of Disorder.

"I'm back~" Looking at the sign, Su Tingyu shouted happily.

Seeing that it was about to reach the end of the passage, there was a larger leisure hall inside, with plenty of light and bright.

As soon as Su Tingyu came out of the tunnel, a modified gun was aimed at his forehead.

"Don't move! Who are you? You came back without my consent?" A playful male voice sounded.

Su Tingyu rolled his eyes speechlessly, and slapped the muzzle of the gun with one hand: "Okay, Xiao Yuyu, I didn't see you miss me like crazy, so I came here specially~ Don't be so moved that you bring a guy to welcome this fairy, right?"

"Bah!" Xie Puyu's face was distorted by disgust: "I was disgusted just after I came back, dead fish, you are floating!"


Just as Su Tingyu was about to reply, a figure in pajamas who looked like Sadako suddenly rushed forward and hugged her.

"Shui Shui, long time no see~" Su Tingyu said with a smile while enjoying the beauty's embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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