Bug in survival game

Chapter 527 Island Prison 3

Chapter 527 Island Prison 3
At the end of the breakfast time, nine doors made of special alloys were opened on the walls of the entire lobby, and each door had a small display screen with different letters lit up on it.

The serial number of Sutingyu is R444.

Su Tingyu found the door with the letter "R", which was the fourth door from the left.

However, Su Tingyu deliberately slowed down by two steps, and followed behind the prisoner at the same table with the same letter number.

Seeing that the prisoners who also started with "R" were all walking towards the fourth door on the left, Su Tingyu felt relieved and followed closely behind.

Through the long corridor, there is an extra mechanical door at the end of the corridor, and there are robots waiting beside it.

Su Tingyu secretly looked at the mechanical door in front of him in the corner.

Every prisoner has to put a silver bracelet given by the robot on his wrist before going through the mechanical door.

After the prisoner successfully passes through the mechanical door, a green light will light up on the top of the mechanical door.

A green light should mean everything is normal.

Su Tingyu was very curious about the function of this bracelet. Now that he is in prison, and it is a bracelet for prison inmates, it is probably not a very good thing.

But every inmate who put on the bracelet had a calm face, as if they were familiar with it, so the bracelet should not be dangerous for the time being...or in other words, as long as the "order" is followed, there shouldn't be any problems.

The inmates put on their wristbands one by one, and all passed through the mechanical door safely. The number of people in front of Su Tingyu also gradually decreased, and it would soon be her turn.

At this time, Su Tingyu saw a familiar figure at the mechanical door.

Su Tingyu's big eyes lit up instantly.

——It’s Qiqi!

Having seen Qin Qi so early in this round of dungeons, Su Tingyu was in a good mood, but he still had to hold back his emotions on the surface.

The moment Su Tingyu watched Qin Qi put on the bracelet, the player panel of the latter popped up suddenly. For a few seconds, Qin Qi stared at the panel and gradually frowned, but soon, Qin Qi Turn off the panel, and walk towards the mechanical door with a normal expression.

panel out?
Has Qiqi received any news from the panel system?
Su Tingyu had this doubt in his heart.

When it was Su Tingyu's turn, she obediently stretched out her right hand to let the robot put on the bracelet, and the moment the bracelet was put on, her faceplate also popped out.

Because he saw Qin Qi's panel pop up earlier, Su Tingyu, who was prepared, walked to the mechanical door honestly while checking the contents of the panel.

【Notice!Player 'Angel Su' is carrying a restraining device, the inventory will be temporarily closed, and the player cannot use game items]

[Congratulations on unlocking the branch personal voluntary mission! 】

[Sub-quest: Kill a designated player in this round of dungeons]

[Sub-line objective: brother is just a legend]

[Branch line time: seven days]

[Sub-line reward: After the task is completed, immediately remove the restraint device on the body. After the dungeon is cleared, a reward of 1000 game coins, a random prop, and a lucky draw chance*10. If the current round of dungeon fails to clear the level, the reward will be deducted by half]

Su Tingyu turned off the panel, causing waves in his heart.

Su Tingyu is no stranger to confinement devices, and has seen them in the Trapped Beast Dungeon.

However, this is the first time I have encountered the personal voluntary task of the branch line.

Will all players in this round of dungeons receive the same side quest, or is it just her or a small number of them?

Su Tingyu prefers the former.

In this way, the players in this round of dungeons want to form an alliance, but it will not be so easy. After all, everyone knows that one of the players wants to kill themselves and get rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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