Bug in survival game

Chapter 539 Island Prison 15

Chapter 539 Island Prison 15
After the four women were brought into the door, the door closed immediately, and in the blink of an eye, not even a crack in the wall was visible.

"It's a pity that these beauties..."

"That's right, if you put it outside, any one of them will be enough for you to play for three years..."

"You still want to play? There are no harmless women who can come in here, all of them are snake-hearted, be careful to poison you to death..."


Several male inmates at the next table were talking in low voices.

Su Tingyu heard it in his ears, expressionless.

Leaving aside the weirdness of this prison, based on what Su Tingyu has seen so far, it is not without reason that these prisoners are held here.

Similarly, Su Tingyu was also very curious about whether the person who was taken away today could come back. You must know that there was a player who confirmed his identity.


at this time.

In the dark and narrow corridor, the four robots separated two by two, one behind the other, and the four women who were brought were walking in the middle.

"Unlucky, why did he fall in love with..."

"Hey! Where are you taking us?"


Two NPC female prison inmates complained, and another NPC female prison inmate looked weak and pitiful, as if she was frightened stupid by the sudden situation.

If there is no gap, the three NPCs are all crowded together, alienating Qu Xinyue as a player.

It's not because the three NPCs know each other, it's just a woman's jealousy.

Among the four women, although Qu Xinyue's real age was not the youngest, she was the most eye-catching one in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament.

Qu Xinyue flicked the hair hanging down her chest from time to time, her eyes were surprisingly calm, and she even looked leisurely, carefully examining the surface structure design of the entire aisle.

If there is any danger ahead, at worst, he would kill himself first and quit this round of dungeons. Anyway, Qu Xinyue does not lack this little game currency.

Not to mention 2000 game coins, even 20000 game coins, that's what Gogoushou can have.

However, this parallel paradise came unexpectedly, and the various occupations and props in it were also very novel. For Qu Xinyue, who always liked to control everyone and everything in the palm of her hand, this was a rare joy, and naturally she would not let it go.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Qu Xinyue and others left the aisle.

Outside the door, it seems to be a temporary place to rest.

After bringing the man, the four robots left by themselves, leaving the four women looking at each other.

After a while, someone came.

"Follow me, all beautiful ladies."

The person who came was actually a man. From the look of his clothes, he was not a prison guard, but more like a housekeeper's assistant.

Qu Xinyue's eyes fluttered, and her eyes fell on the man in front of her, and the corners of her lips slightly curved.

Man... stupid creature.

The assistant glanced around, and inadvertently looked up at Qu Xinyue. Without any warning, he felt an electric current flowing from the tip of his heart, which became numb.

For a moment, the man looked at Qu Xinyue with some emotion.

Qu Xinyue's smile deepened a bit, and she blinked her amorous eyes at the assistant.

"...cough cough."

After Qu Xinyue restrained her eyes in a good mood, the assistant woke up like a dream, coughed twice in embarrassment, and seemed to be covering up something.

damn it.

...Why did my husband fall in love with such a beauty.

The assistant felt very sorry.

"Come with me, don't make sir wait too long." As he said that, the assistant turned and left quickly, his back looking a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, the four women followed.

(End of this chapter)

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