Bug in survival game

Chapter 545 Island Prison 21

Chapter 545 Island Prison 21
The warden's eyes remained calm for a few seconds longer on Shan Yujiao's curves.

... Sure enough, it was not lost to another woman.

The warden was inevitably somewhat complacent.

Dr. Gu came to find people again and again, and the warden didn't take good care of him, so he prepared a good product on the surface, and secretly kept a good product for himself to enjoy.

"Shouldn't your Excellency the warden be busy with everything? This time you suddenly invited me here, what's the matter?"

Shan Yu was secretly vigilant in his heart, there were people who were taken away before, but they were all taken away by robots during the day.

And now, why is it her turn... the prison guards come in person?

The warden smiled warmly and kindly: "It's nothing, I just want to invite beauties like Miss Shan to have dinner together."

Shan Yu hesitated: "But I've already had dinner, so I might disturb your mood. If the warden has nothing to do, then I'll go back first."

After saying that, Shan Yu was ready to turn around and leave.

"Miss Shan." The warden's originally joyful and polite voice gradually turned cold.

The warden raised his hand and raised the wine glass that had just been poured in his hand: "It's already here, why don't you have a drink first? Don't you want to give me face?"

Shan Yu, who was halfway to the side,'s face sank slightly for a moment.

Turning his head again, there was no trace of disgust or anxiety at all.

"Your Excellency the warden's face, of course, has to be given." Saying that, Shan Yu took the initiative to take a few steps closer and took the wine glass.

Seeing this, the warden's face changed from gloomy to sunny, and he laughed heartily: "Very well, Miss Shan, let me toast you first."

"it is good."

Shan Yu replied with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But the fingers holding the wine glass in his hand exerted a little force.

This is really a Hongmen banquet, and this wine... I don't know if there will be any problems...

For a while, Shan Yu felt a little bit hard to get off the tiger.

But the warden drank the wine first, and Shan Yu could only slightly wet his lips with the wine.

"Miss Shan, there is still a lot of time, why don't we sit down and chat slowly, how about it?" The warden opened a chair in front of the dining table like a gentleman, and signaled Shan Yu to come and sit down with his eyes.

"Okay." Shan Yu's smile didn't change, and a flickering cold light flickered in his eyes.

...An ugly trash, dare to miss my old lady, right?

It's all over, if Shan Yu still doesn't know what the warden is planning, he will be sorry for his extremely clever head.

Now that he knows the opponent's intentions, Shan Yu doesn't feel how passive he is.

Want to fuck my wife?

It's ok...it depends on whether you can afford it, ugly trash!

The warden didn't know what the prey he thought was easy to get was thinking in his heart, and at this moment, he was not in a hurry.

Long night.

Since this woman is savvy, he would also be generous and pity her a little bit.

Just as the warden fell into delusions, the closed door was suddenly opened.

There were footsteps coming from the door.

"Didn't you say don't bother me tonight..."

Someone came, and most of the good atmosphere was destroyed in an instant. The warden looked annoyed and looked towards the door.

But when he saw that the people who came were not his subordinates, but two men with strange faces, the expression on the warden's face froze:
"who are you?!"

"Come on!"

But no matter how the warden roared, there was no movement outside the door.

And on the door, there is an imperceptible jammer.

(End of this chapter)

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