Bug in survival game

Chapter 548 Undersea Prison 24

Chapter 548 Undersea Prison 24
"You're welcome, I didn't come here for you." Gu Qi said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Shan Yu's mouth faded.

"Uh..." The fat man scratched his head, isn't it good for the boss to say that?
Anyway, chatting with girls...

But when the fat man recalled that his boss seemed to dislike girls all the time, he suddenly felt normal again.

If one day the boss suddenly becomes interested in a girl, it will be a miracle.

But the boss will like a girl?
Anyway, Fatty couldn't imagine that scene at all.

"Time is running out, let's first find a way to release the control of the bracelet from the warden." If he had a choice, Shan Yu would not want to see Gu Qi, a dog man without the slightest gentlemanly demeanor.

"Yes, yes." Fatty echoed again and again.

Gu Qi: "Seal north and south."

"Understood! Boss!" The fat man skillfully took out the cauldron and smashed it down precisely on the warden's head.


Shan Yu slightly opened her beautiful eyes.

The warden woke up with a painful expression on his face, and was immediately hypnotized by Gu Qi.

"How to remove the prisoner's bracelet?"

The warden's eyes were dull: "...Yes, please... Corresponding instructions, mobilize the robot responsible for loading and unloading the bracelet."

"The specific operation method." Gu Qi asked again.

Immediately afterwards, the warden spoke out without reservation.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, without waiting for Gu Qi to remind him, the fat man who had been waiting for a long time noticed that Gu Qi stopped asking questions, and he threw down another cauldron, knocking the warden unconscious.

"Boss, should you tie him up?" Fatty suggested.

Gu Qi put on his sunglasses: "Yes."

With consent, the fat man took back the cauldron, took out the rope and two pieces of black cloth.

The rope tied the person, and two pieces of black cloth, one blindfolded, the other stuffed mouth.

After doing this, the fat man asked: "Boss, it's ok, do you want to take off the shield now?"

Because of the effect of the jammer, all hidden robots in the room are now on sleep standby.

"Don't worry, you can find a hidden place to hide first, and hide people too." Gu Qi drank a bottle of disguise potion, and his whole face immediately changed into that of the warden.

"Oh." The fat man dragged the warden to look left and right, and then chose to hide in the bedroom inside, and opened another blocker inside to adjust the range to this small bedroom.

"Boss, I can do it here."

After the fat man hid, Gu Qi took off the original shielding device. Immediately, all the secret machines in the whole room except the bedroom began to operate.

According to the method provided by the warden, Gu Qi pretended to be the warden to operate the machine in the room, took off Shan Yu's bracelet, and notified the machine in the room to issue an order:

"The prisoner of D909 has been taken away by me, clear his prison information." The disc-shaped robot found Gu Qi's personal information, and then cleared all identity information.

In this way, there is one less inconspicuous prisoner in the prison.

A disc-shaped robot flew out from the wall. Looking at Gu Qi's face, the robot emitted a blue light from its pupils and landed on Shan Yu's bracelet: "The order has been received and is being executed...the order has been completed."

The machine on the wall responsible for storing the bracelet came out, and the mechanical arm stretched out to help Shan Yu take off the bracelet.

Without the restriction of the bracelet, Shan Yu took out the face clay props, she didn't make a sound, just looked at Gu Qi.

Gu Qi continued to give instructions: "Release the positioning function of the bracelet she wears, and open all the permissions of the bracelet."

"The order has been received and is being executed...the order has been completed."

(End of this chapter)

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