Bug in survival game

Chapter 556 Island Prison 32

Chapter 556 Island Prison 32
"The laboratory is mentioned in the itinerary. Could it be that the experiments in it are human experiments?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and silently sympathized with the prisoners who were taken away earlier.

Su Tingyu's speculation about human experiments is not groundless, because he has read Dr. Solo's information, and the island prison can invite him to come here. In all likelihood, there are experiments in Dr. Solo's field of expertise.

In this prison, the warden and the resident doctor Gooding are simply the same, and the two are also working together to cover each other.

The inmates living in this prison, the inmates have to worry about whether they will be taken to conduct experiments next time, and the beautiful female inmates become "cargo" in the eyes of these high-ranking figures, and they are randomly selected , Playing and trampling.

Even if these inmates have committed too many heinous crimes before entering the prison, and can use this inhumane method to wantonly destroy the inmates' body and mind, then there are no good people here, from the warden to the prison guards.

Gu Qi: "It's very possible. After all, the inmates here have almost no hope of getting out of the prison. Being used for various experiments, such as organ transplantation, must be something that the outside world likes to see."

Prisoners who can be sent here to be imprisoned are not exaggerated even if they are sentenced to death, but now they are "waste utilization".

"The doctor came by helicopter." Qin Qi said suddenly.

"What's wrong? Qiqi?"

Qin Qi continued: "Perhaps, this is an escape method set for players in the dungeon."

Now, several people understood.

"Yes, a helicopter!" The fat man looked excited: "I was still thinking about whether to find a boat or take the lifeboat prepared in the inventory to leave the prison. Now that I have a helicopter, I can leave with a whoosh! , how fast!"

Su Tingyu asked a question: "Then some of you know how to fly a plane? You can't kidnap an NPC pilot then, right?"

"I can."

Simple two words.

At the same time, the voices of three people sounded at the same time.

Su Tingyu blinked his eyes in bewilderment, and silently looked at Shan Yu, who was also a little bewildered.


It's okay, it's okay, I'm not the only one who can't fly a plane.

Strangely, after the two girls glanced at each other, this thought flashed through their hearts in sync.

The fat man scratched his head: "I have taken the test for an airplane driver's license before, but I just don't know if the airplane in this dungeon is the same as the one in the real world."

If it's not the same, maybe very different, then the fat man will feel a little overwhelmed.

"That's a problem." Su Tingyu nodded calmly.

"By the way, it's not surprising that Qiqi can fly a plane in his previous career. Fatty is a basic skill, but Gu Jiu, the ruler of a big family, you still want to learn to fly a plane? Is that so amazing?"

Gu Qi didn’t reply, he looked for some information on his own, and then projected it on the screen, “This is the style of the helicopter that Solo will ride tomorrow, and how to operate it.”

Hearing this, several people looked at it one after another,
But Su Tingyu looked at it for a while, and then gave up readily, and so did Shan Yu.

Only Gu can see the three men.

"It's not very difficult. Some operations have been simplified, but the basic operation method is still there."

After 10 minutes, Qin Qi spoke slowly.

"You all know it?" Su Tingyu asked.

The fat man scratched his head: "Almost, boss."

Qin Qi: "Well."

As for Gu Qi, he didn't answer directly, but judging from his expression, he probably knows how to operate.

Su Tingyu: ...Suddenly discovering that he is a rookie, he is quite bald.

(End of this chapter)

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