Bug in survival game

Chapter 576 Island Prison 52

Chapter 576 Island Prison 52
Under Gu Qi's continuous gaze, Shan Yu finally silently added: "Ahem...that's why I fooled him."

"That's fine."

Gu Qi spat out the word lightly, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Shan Yu hurriedly asked: "Where are you going next?"



Since he is still the warden now, he naturally has to deal with some affairs that the warden should handle.

And during this period, Gu Qi also took a look at the performance team, there was basically no surprise, except that during this period, there was indeed a woman who wanted to hook up with the "warden", but before she could actually implement it, she was chased away by the "warden's lover" Walk.

In just half a day, a rumor spread among the prisoners:
The prison warden's lover is not only a vixen who seduces the prison warden by improper means, but also takes pride in being favored and arrogant, bullying and oppressing many young and beautiful female prisoners in the prison.

When Shan Yu learned of this bullshit rumor, he silently glanced at the man who was processing the documents.


It's really a tool man.


At five o'clock, Gu Qi and Shan Yu went back to the warden's residence.

"Hey, you guys are back~"

As soon as he entered the door, Su Ting Yuqing's crisp voice came.

"What does that doctor look like? He is almost 190 years old, will he look like an old zombie? Can he walk by himself? Or can he walk like flying?"

Su Tingyu couldn't wait to come over and ask questions.

Gu Qi's eyes were silent for a moment, and then his whole body seemed to be soaked in ice water, and he passed Su Tingyu directly with the cold air.

"Huh?" Su Tingyu tilted her cute head in doubt.

Shan Yu stretched out his hand, rubbed Su Tingyu's small head, and explained by the way: "Cough... I was annoying him when I was on the road before."

"Oh~ so that's the case." Su Tingyu suddenly realized, and then complained: "I don't have any patience with girls, hum~"

On the other side, Gu Qi explained the new situation to Qin Qi.

"Solo brought something here. I haven't had a chance to touch it. When you go to the laboratory, remember to look for it."

"Okay." Qin Qi nodded.

When Su Tingyu came to Qin Qi's side, he heard Gu Qi continue to exhort:

"...if it's worthless, it's ruined."

"In addition, Solo and Guding will go to watch tonight's performance, and the rest of the laboratory will most likely not go. Then you can pretend to be Solo and Guding and enter the laboratory."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "We have never seen Solo, how can we pretend?"

Even if it is a disguise potion, it must be based on the imagination of the user, but now Solo's people have not seen it, and they don't know what it looks like.

"I'll call out a piece of surveillance, and you can watch it slowly." Regarding this situation, Gu Qi had already thought about it, and immediately pulled out the airport's surveillance.

"Wow, 185 years old? Tsk tsk, I believe anyone who is five or sixty years old."

Su Tingyu couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Solo's too 'young' face in the surveillance.

"Did you see the box that the assistant was holding? It's inside, but it's already been taken out." Gu Qi raised his finger to Assistant Solo in the screen.

The few people talked for a long time, and the time came to six o'clock in the evening before they knew it.

The welcome dinner for Solo has officially begun.

In the Jule Hotel, the people who came to the dinner all had a decent smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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