Bug in survival game

Chapter 582 Island Prison 58

Chapter 582 Island Prison 58
"I'll go...it's not scientific at all." Yan Qing murmured blankly.

Su Tingyu was gearing up: "Okay, let's get down to business!"

The time is also a bit tight, the area of ​​the laboratory is not small, if you want to accurately find the useful results in it, and then keep it for yourself...you need an acquaintance.


Su Tingyu untied Yan Qing, the toolman.

"Big brother, I'm just being more cautious, you don't mind?" Su Tingyu said with a smile, as kind as he could be.

"Uh... I... don't mind, don't mind!" Yan Qing shook his head again and again, watching the small residual flowers around him faintly enveloping him again.

"Then hurry up and tell me what research results in this laboratory are worthy of being taken away."

"Ah?" Yan Qing was stunned for a moment: "You... are you here to rob?"

"No!" Su Tingyu said righteously: "We are here to do justice for the heavens and destroy the evil laboratory, and taking away the results is just incidental."

"This..." Why did Yan Qing feel a little unbelievable.

But what Su Tingyu said was right, this kind of inhumane laboratory should have been dismantled long ago.

"Okay, I know there are some, but I can't get them, they are all encrypted."

"Ham, just tell me the exact location." Su Tingyu grabbed the meteor stick with a calm expression on his face.

Involuntarily, Yan Qing recalled the scene just now...

Finally, hesitatingly said: "Okay."

In the next half an hour, more and more researchers became restless and even roared:

"Yan Qing! What are you doing?!"

"Yan Qing, I'm going to kill you!"

"Don't, don't...don't go there! Don't take my achievements!"


Yan Qing said that he was also very innocent, he just pointed to a location.

Then, Su Tingyu pierced through it with a stick, and took out the contents.

If one stick can't solve it, then use two sticks.

Su Tingyu also picked some good results to get, while the other results that were not beneficial, or even somewhat anti-human, were all destroyed one by one.

Whether the results were taken away or the results and data were destroyed, this group of researchers felt distressed.

If you want to resist, the cane wrapped around your body will be tightened and tightened.

Moreover, Qin Qi was watching from the side.

After Su Tingyu rummaged through everything, he chose to completely destroy the mechanical equipment and experimental equipment in the entire laboratory.

There was a sound of ping-pong-pong.

After dealing with the laboratory, there are still dozens of researchers, how to deal with these NPCs?

Get rid of them all?
Su Tingyu glanced slightly, and landed on the resentful faces. She clearly realized that even if he wanted to show mercy, these NPCs probably wouldn't be grateful to Dade.

"Man, leave it to me to deal with it." Qin Qi took a few steps forward, and at some point, he was already holding the ancient bronze sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu lost the last trace of doubt: "You are so tired by yourself, I will come too."

One head at a time, the brains burst out and left on the ground.

Knowing that Su Tingyu and the other two had no intention of doing anything to him, Yan Qing suddenly became bold:
"Brother, you don't have to feel guilty. These people are not good people. They all have their lives on hand."

"Then what about recruiting a doctor? I remember that in March last year, 22 young girls were lost in a row."

To be more specific, Yan Qing didn't want to talk about it.

He has been lurking in the laboratory for many years and has seen many evil people, but that Dr. Zhao... is the most disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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