Bug in survival game

Chapter 593 Fanwai: Gu Family Prequel 1

Chapter 593 Fanwai: Gu Family Prequel 1
27 years ago.

Beijing, Xuanbao Pavilion.

There was a commotion at the door.

"Master Yan is here."

"Master Yan? The one from the Gu family?"

"Yes, that's the one. I heard that he also took a fancy to the Heart of the Deep Sea that was auctioned today."

At the door, the crowd moved left and right, leaving a spacious passage leading directly into the door.

A few seconds later, a group of people walked up this passage.

The man in the lead was as tall as a sword peak, and he was qualified to be called "Fengshen Junlang". His gestures and gestures also revealed the bearing and demeanor that can only be cultivated by hundreds of years of aristocratic family background.

Inside Xuanbao Pavilion.

The guests who arrived earlier saw that it was from the Gu family, or the current head of the Gu family, Gu Yan, who was rarely seen by the Gu family, so they couldn't help talking with the people next to them.

"Isn't that one who doesn't value auction donations all the time? Why..."

"Ham, you don't know yet, Lord Yan has a woman recently, and I heard that he has reached the point of discussing marriage, and he probably kept it a secret before, and the old man of the Gu family is also very optimistic about this marriage."

"So, this heart of the deep sea, Lord Yan wants to auction it off, and then give it to his fiancée?"

Regarding this guess, many dignitaries who had just learned that the Gu family's main marriage felt inconceivable.

Gu Yanwang is actually getting married? !

Could it be that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east today?Doomsday tomorrow?World War IV coming next month?
At the beginning, Gu Yanwang, who was extremely misogynistic, his eyelids twitched, and he described beautiful women as ugly, his aesthetics was different from ordinary people, and he bluntly said that he was a non-marriageist, was actually going to get married? ? !
……Oh my God.

Which kind fairy came down to earth to accept this rebellious master?
The ladies were sad and weeping softly.

But the brothers and sisters were secretly ecstatic... because they finally made it out!
Without him.

Gu Yan Wang's aura is too strong.

Even if his personality is very difficult to get along with, but he can't bear the fact that he is more beautiful, rich, powerful, and taller than you. When he is around, all the unmarried ladies and daughters in the capital will be the first to look at him. Time is on Gu Yan.

Gu Yan led the people all the way up to the third floor, and his figure disappeared at the door of the private room.

As the auction time was about to start, the conversation on his topic gradually stopped.


After the auction officially started, each valuable auction item was displayed in the eyes of many celebrities and dignitaries, attracting competition for prices.

In a private room on the third floor.

A man and a woman are sitting in their respective positions, looking down at the newly displayed auction items through the "skylight".

"Xin Yue, don't worry, I will definitely capture the heart of the deep sea! Only you are qualified to bring the heart of the deep sea."

"Thank you, Mr. Leng, for spending the money. I have received your wish. As for the heart of the deep sea... just let it go."

The man made a promise swearing.

And when the heart of the deep sea is auctioned——

2 minute later.

"The final ownership of the Heart of the Deep Sea—Ye Ye of the Gu family! Congratulations to Ye Ye! You have obtained the Heart of the Deep Sea! Xuanbao Pavilion is here, and I wish Ye Ye a happy wedding!"

Inside the room.

The man looked downcastly and looked at Xinyue weakly: "Xinyue, how about I give you another one."

"Yan Ye?" Xinyue kept staring at the skylight of a private room that they had bargained with just now.

The private rooms on the third floor are confidential to each other, and through the skylight, the people inside can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside.

A hint of curiosity flashed in Xinyue's eyes, and she asked, "Who is that?"

"The current head of the Gu family in the capital, Gu Yan, is a ruthless character. Anyone who provokes him will not end well." The man explained.

"Is that so..." Xinyue glanced at the cowardly look of the man beside her, and an invisible trace of disgust flashed across her eyes.

But... Gu Yan.

"Xinyue, look, Gu Yan has come out." The man pointed down.

Xinyue paused for a moment, then turned her head to look.

only one glance.

The new moon saw it.

Gu Yan was stronger than the man beside her.

Whether it's appearance, body shape, or temperament.

The most special thing is the man's rare pair of mysterious cat eyes. When he narrowed his eyes slightly, he always carried an elegant and proud laziness.

An unknown dark light lit up in the eyes of the crescent moon... Coincidentally, this is her next mission target?
I really want to know, what kind of scenery will such a superb man look like when he is in bed?


The Gu family, the old house, the backyard.

Gu Yan learned from the housekeeper that his fiancée was walking in the backyard, so he brought the "Heart of the Deep Sea" he just got to the backyard.

Beside the flowers, a young woman reached out and gently stroked the delicate petals, while the other hand was placed on her slightly protruding belly.

"Ayan, why did you come out?"

When Gu Yan saw the person, he walked a few steps, stretched out his hands from behind the woman, and gently hugged the woman's waist.

"I'm bored in the room, so I'll come out for a walk." The woman leaned against Gu Yan's arms, her voice was sweet and sweet, like a clear spring in the mountains and forests, moistening the heart and lungs.

Gu Yan: "Then I will accompany you."

"No need, I'm about to go back to the house." The woman smiled gently.

Gu Yan looked down at his little wife's slightly swollen belly: "Did the brat in your stomach trouble you today?" His tone was not worried, but the hand covering his belly was already half-frozen, afraid that something might happen to him. If you are not careful, you will use too much force.

The woman looked at her stomach, and her eyes were full of the happiness and tenderness of being a new mother: "No, it's only been less than a month, and the baby is very good."

"And, what a brat, what if it's a cute girl?" As she spoke, the woman rolled her eyes, protesting on behalf of the unborn little guy.

So, Gu Yan changed his words very unprincipled: "That should be a little princess, so good."

"I also think that I have heard many mothers say that when they are pregnant, the little ones in their stomachs are noisy, but our baby is very quiet and healthy."

"Of course, my seed." Gu Yan had a certain pride on his face.

The woman's face was slightly red: "...Go away!"

Hearing this, Gu Yan's tone became resentful: "When will this little guy come out..."

"It's still early, Mr. Gu, thank you for your continued sleep in the study tonight."

Gu Yan's eyes sharpened: "If this is a brat, I will definitely..."

"What do you want to do?" The woman narrowed her eyes and asked back.

"Cough...no, by the way, this is for you." Gu Yan hurriedly handed over the gift.

"What's going on?"

"Take it apart and see."


Two days later.

The Gu family officially announced the matter of Gu Yan's marriage, causing a sensation in the capital circle.

For a moment, the blossoming peach blossoms entangled with Gu Yan withered instantly.

Still, some women persevere.

But they don't know that Gu Yan is moderately blind to women, and it's almost difficult to make an impression.


A month later.

America, Pau, Xinhuang Bar.

"Yan Ye, you are here, sit down."

As soon as Gu Yan entered the private room, the sub-race man who had been waiting inside immediately got up and greeted him with a smile.

"I have something to talk about, I'm in a hurry." Gu Yan frowned.

The bar environment is messy, and Gu Yan, who has a slight obsession with cleanliness, is also slightly upset at this moment.

The man poured the tea courteously: "It won't take too much time for you. This is fresh tea made from newly imported tea leaves. Sir, please have some tea."

"No need." Gu Yan directly refused.

Gu Yan would not touch tea and food that had not been inspected outside and had no safety guarantee at all.

In the private room specially decorated in an oriental style, the incense burner in the corner is exuding a faint fragrance, imperceptibly permeating every corner of the private room.

Gu Yan said bluntly: "Speaking of your conditions, people and goods must be released within two days, intact."

"This..." When talking about business, the man became hesitant again.

"My patience is limited, don't force me to be serious." Gu Yan looked impatient and continued to press.

If it wasn't for the fact that his child would be born within this year, and he didn't want to be stained with blood, Gu Yan wouldn't have to bother to come here.

This man's behavior style is just like that of a loach, he is not slippery, and after several rounds of negotiations, the negotiations all come to an end without a problem, so Gu Yan can only come forward in person.

After spending half an hour, Gu Yan refused to give up the benefits and bottom line that he wanted, and of course he couldn't push the man too hard, so he let go of some benefits appropriately.

In the end, the negotiations ended smoothly.

"Master Yan just rushed over, right? As the host, I have to entertain him no matter what."

Gu Yan refused: "No need." He had to rush back to China to see his wife and children.

After Gu Yan left the private room, the man made a phone call: "Half an hour, the amount of inhalation should be enough. Whether it can be done or not depends on you."

In the car.

Gu Yan raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows, his expression gradually tired.

"Master, something happened to the scheduled flight, and all the planes at the airport have been grounded."

In the passenger seat, the assistant is reporting the news he just received.

"Are there any flights from other nearby cities today?" Gu Yan closed his eyes.

"It's all gone. Half an hour ago, a plane suddenly exploded just after it took off. It is preliminarily inferred that it may have been planted with a bomb. Now all the planes have been forced to stop for a comprehensive investigation."

Gu Yan: "Find the nearest hotel, take a full night's rest first, and pay more attention to the flight information for these two days."



The assistant quickly arranged the hotel check-in.

hotel room.

"Patriarch, you rest first, and I will send someone up to deliver the food later."

On the edge of the bed, Gu Yan raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, and gave a soft "hmm".

A few seconds later, there was only a sound of closing the door.

The assistant has left the room.

After the person left, Gu Yan lay down on the bed, his consciousness gradually began to blur.

... no, not right.

Gu Yan always felt that something was wrong, but at this moment he had completely lost his sobriety.

At last.

Faintly... There seems to be a footstep coming.




More than seven months later.

in the hospital.

Gu Yan, who was delayed by foreign affairs, rushed back all the way.

But what was waiting for him was——

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, your wife's daughter who was just born has been..."

Gu Yan's first reaction was disbelief: "Weak constitution? Impossible! I have checked many times!"

"My condolences." In this regard, the doctor could only sigh, and then left silently.

Beside him, the assistant who had been following him suddenly reminded him: "Patriarch, madam..."

Gu Yan's footsteps paused slightly. Originally, he wanted to meet his child who died at birth...but his wife...

"Go and see Miss Good."


 Chapter 3000
(End of this chapter)

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