Bug in survival game

Chapter 596 Am I going to tell you that I forgot to write the title?

Chapter 596 Am I going to tell you that I forgot to write the title?
"Miss Su?"

Around the corner, Su Tingyu met Wei Chu.

"It's just in time, little pig, you go to your Brother Qin to help."

Wei Chu nodded: "Oh, yes, Miss Su."

Watching people walk into the room, Su Tingyu turned his head and rubbed his belly subconsciously.

"Hmm... my belly said, she's hungry."

So, Su Tingyu trotted downstairs and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Yes yes yes! Do this..."

"I want three copies, and the other two will be delivered in half an hour..."


After ordering the chef, Su Tingyu sat and waited for his food.

However, just waiting is a bit boring, Su Tingyu thought for a while, and opened the forum on the panel.

This time she did not participate in the event dungeon, but every time the event dungeon was overcrowded.

[Wow, this event dungeon is too speechless, I, a college student who has just grown up, is forced to be the father of five children! ]
[The labor and management have seven babies, and the gourd babies get together, what did the labor and management say? ]
[I came here as a child... almost starved to death, that NPC father is too irresponsible]
[In this event copy, neither the father nor the child is normal! ]
[Enter the event copy again, I am a dog! ]
[Upstairs, I recognize your nickname, it seems that you said the same thing last time, last time]
Su Tingyu browsed the latest post about the Father's Day dungeon, and muttered to himself: "Father's Day dungeon, the player's identity is either father or child?"

At this time, Su Tingyu found that there was a game announcement in the converted poster:
【 Attention all beta players! 】

[The dungeon of Island Prison was irreversibly damaged by unknown factors. The dungeon will be temporarily closed for rectification and will not be open to players! 】

"Huh~" Su Tingyu looked surprised, and subconsciously blurted out: "Why is it only temporarily closed?"

It shouldn't be permanent... Ahem, no, no.

Su Tingyu shook his head: "How can you think that way! I'm a kind little fairy!"

Anyway, when the dungeon came out, you didn't hear the prompt that the dungeon was broken?

That probably, should, maybe...has nothing to do with her, right?

It can't be because of some reason that the dungeon is delayed in broadcasting, right?

Reading this, Su Tingyu felt more at ease,


After eating his share of food, Su Tingyu held a glass of juice, drank it while walking, and went upstairs to find Qin Qi and Fatty.

Before entering, Su Tingyu knocked on the door deliberately.

Hearing the movement, the fat man in the room came to open the door.

"Boss, why didn't you just come in?" The fat man thought it was someone knocking on the door, but he didn't expect it to be Su Tingyu.

"Cough cough...it's okay, it's okay." Su Tingyu walked in very calmly, and saw that Qin Qi had a half-eaten food in front of him, so he randomly found a seat and sat down.

"Huh? Where's the little pig?" Su Tingyu didn't see Wei Chu, but didn't the latter be called in by her?

The fat man explained: "Oh, Xiaozhu went down to pick up the courier. I heard it was sent by someone from his village."

"By the way, boss, when is the next round of our entry into the dungeon scheduled?" The fat man closed the door and came back to continue feeding Qin Qi.

"Well... the 24th or 27th is fine." Su Tingyu took out his phone, clicked into the calendar software, and counted the days: "I'll go to Gu Jiu later and ask his opinion."

"Okay, you guys have decided, just tell me, and then carpool together."

"What props did you get in the branch personal missions and hidden missions in the copy of the island prison?" Su Tingyu was curious about this.

After all, the super resuscitation potion she got herself felt a bit "against the sky".

(End of this chapter)

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