Bug in survival game

Chapter 602 The moment to witness the miracle!

Chapter 602 The moment to witness the miracle!
Su Tingyu took a deep breath: "It's time to witness the miracle!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Tingyu put on the storage ring, and pasted the ring on the surface of the items piled up in the room——

Su Tingyu only felt his eyes dazzle, and suddenly, some items in the room disappeared.

Su Tingyu quickly checked the storage ring, and the next second, he almost jumped up excitedly.

"Aww~ Did you really take it in?"

Two seconds later, Su Tingyu suppressed his excitement and put the storage ring into the inventory. During this period, he kept poking secretly to watch for any [Warning] popping up.

But when the storage ring lay quietly in the inventory, the panel system did not respond at all.

everything is normal.


Su Tingyu immediately let go of his hands and feet, took out the storage ring again, and put all the remaining items in.

Just when Su Tingyu was very happy, the panel popped up suddenly, startling her!
[Dear 'Angel Su' players, hello! 】

[Sorry, your 'Zodiac' keepsake is no longer usable due to some special factors, and it is now being recycled forcibly. compensate】

[The compensation will be sent to your inventory within 24 hours of real time, please pay attention to check, thank you for your understanding! 】

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
What zodiac token?
Does she have it?Is it hers?Why can't she remember?

Wait a minute.

Su Tingyu remembered.

... It seems to be the three tokens that Tong Qi Bubai exchanged after the end of the Children's Day dungeon.

There is no way, she has forgotten the troubles caused by too many tokens.

"So, the current situation is that the tokens of the zodiac have been recovered by the system? Then exchange other tokens with me?"

In a word, Su Tingyu summed up the current situation.

Su Tingyu switched the interface and went to check in his inventory.

Sure enough, Su Tingyu noticed that the tokens of [Zodiac signs*3] were gone, replaced by new tokens of [Nightmare Invitation*3].

"Qi Bubai exchanged the twelve zodiac signs with me, so their tokens were also exchanged? Also, why did they exchange tokens?"

Su Tingyu's small head was filled with big question marks, and he really didn't understand this wave of system operations.

So, Su Tingyu decided to find Qiqi.

When in doubt, go to Qiqi.

That's right!


Su Tingyu who came back told Qin Qi about the operation of the system.

"Qiqi, what's wrong with me?"

In the room, there was only Qin Qi himself.

Wei Chu was in charge of the day shift, and the fat man saw that there was no hot water and fruit in the room, so he just went out.

"You hold the three identical tokens yourself? Put them all in the inventory?" Qin Qi asked.

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, what's the problem?"

At that time, Su Tingyu had a lot of tokens on hand, and he also distributed two tokens to Qin Qi and Fatty.

Even if they want to continue to separate, the two of them may not continue to accept it at that time.

"That's right, your previous token should have opened a job dungeon recently, because you have three, so it was not matched by the system."

"It may be that the upper limit of the occupation dungeon has been reached, so the dungeon will perform an operation similar to destruction, and the remaining tokens will have no effect."

After listening to it, Su Tingyu's heart ached.

So, unknowingly, she missed a round of professional dungeons?Missed a Bulling Bulling Career?

"Then Qiqi, let's divide up the three new tokens I got." Saying that, Su Tingyu sent one of the tokens to Qin Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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