Bug in survival game

Chapter 609 Nightmare Labyrinth 4

Chapter 609 Nightmare Labyrinth 4
On a sunny afternoon, all the children in the Sunshine Orphanage gathered in the backyard to play.

In the corner of the sand pile, a four-year-old milk doll was sitting on the sand, holding a tool for shoveling sand with two chubby hands, playing alone, having a great time.

Under the big tree not far away, several little boys and girls who are old enough to go to junior high school gathered together, and their eyes glanced at the milk doll from time to time.

"Xiaoyu has failed to adopt for the third time this year, what a waste of quota..."

"It can't be helped, who makes people look cute and pleasing, it's the signboard in the courtyard..."

"But it hasn't been adopted successfully every time. I heard from the nurse's aunt that Xiaoyu is a disaster star. Whoever adopts it will be unlucky."

"Then why is she still in our yard? It feels like it's holding us back."

"That is, without her, maybe we would have been adopted long ago..."



If there is no such catastrophe, then their luck will improve, and then there will be parents to adopt them.

This idea, like a magical seed, is deeply rooted in the hearts of several people, and it grows uncontrollably and crazily.

a few days later.

Taking advantage of the time when all the adults in the courtyard were resting, the children secretly went to find the milk doll.

"Little fish, let's play a game of hide and seek."

When the milk doll heard that someone was looking for her to play with, a sweet smile filled her face, she patted her fleshy hands, and said with some inaccurate pronunciation: "Good duck, good duck~"

"Then let's blindfold you and take you to a place. After the game starts, you count to a hundred and start looking for us." One of the little girls spoke the rules seriously.

"Yeah~" Milky Baby nodded his head: "Then let's play games together, we'll be good friends now~"

"Yes, yes." Several people responded perfunctorily.

The milk doll took it seriously, with big bright eyes.

She stood there quietly and obediently, waiting for one of them to tie her eyes with a cloth towel.

Afterwards, one of the tallest boys picked up the milk doll, and they rushed out towards the back door.

After walking out of the orphanage, several people left the baby in a small park several streets away from the orphanage.

"Little fish, you can start counting, remember to count to one hundred."


Sitting on the grass in the park, the milk doll said with a crisp voice: "1, 2, 3..."

In the ear, the sound of several people leaving hurriedly came.

After waiting for half a minute, the milk doll hadn't counted to one hundred, but she didn't hear any movement, so she secretly took off the cloth towel.

But the environment in front of him was extremely strange.

The milk baby has never been out of the orphanage.

"Where... is this place? Where is my good friend hiding?" Milky Baby bit her hands, her eyes slightly confused.

"Little friend, are you here alone? Where are your parents?" At this moment, a strange uncle came over.

The milk doll bit her hand, suddenly, she lowered her head and looked at her shrunken body: "Oh, I'm dead."

"What?" The uncle was a little confused, and then he stretched out his hand to the milk doll regardless of everything: "Come on, uncle will take you home."

"Uncle, my parents are dead, and all the adopted parents have also had accidents. Are you sure you want to take me away?" The baby's tone was still innocent, but the childishness disappeared.

The voice fell.


The space in front of him began to become distorted, and the strange uncle, who was originally a human, lost his human appearance, leaving only a skeleton-like illusory body, screaming at the milk doll.

"Uncle, the little fairy is not a disaster, the little fairy is here to save the world." The baby raised her head, her tone serious.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of white light burst out from the baby's body, and it began to grow bigger like a blown balloon.

(End of this chapter)

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