Bug in survival game

Chapter 618 Nightmare Labyrinth 13

Chapter 618 Nightmare Labyrinth 13
"Okay, okay, you are Gu Jiuye, you have the final say." Shan Yu only cared a little for the sake of Gu Qi being a soft child now, anyway, she wasn't naked foot.

The two people who came out looked at the lonely illusion space, and for a moment, some didn't know where to go.

Shan Yu suggested: "Why don't we go back and look for it?"

What Shan Yu wanted to talk about was the family Gu Qi had in the illusion.

"Yeah." Gu Qi gripped his coat tightly, because it was too long and dragged the floor, and a belt was wrapped around his waist, barely holding it steady.

With a goal, the two stopped staying longer and went straight to the original small villa.

And when the two arrived at the entrance of the small villa, they ran into Qu Xinyue who had returned to adult form.

When 'Qu Xinyue' saw Gu Qi for the first time, there was a very gentle smile on his face, and he opened his arms: "Xiao Qi, you sneaked out again, come, go home with mother..."

Shan Yu didn't make a sound, she turned her head to look at Gu Qi, the latter's eyes were cold, and he didn't seem to respond, but within two seconds, a few transparent thin threads instantly penetrated the body of 'Qu Xinyue'.

Head, arms, legs...all cut off.

Suddenly, the stability of the illusion was broken, and the space began to become distorted... and a mirror door appeared in front of the two of them.

"You can go out now." Shan Yu pointed to the mirror door.

The two walked into the mirror door one after the other...


Black forest edge.

A mirror door opened, and immediately, two figures came out from inside.

After two seconds.


Shan Yu couldn't help but burst out laughing, but looking back, his face was dull and incomprehensible.

Because...even if the illusion came out, Gu Qi still didn't change back.

"What's going on here?" After laughing, Shan Yu asked aloud.

Gu Qi was very depressed: "How do I know..." What is wrong with this?
"Maybe, if you figure out this nightmare maze, you can change back." Shan Yu said seriously.

"Nonsense." Gu Qi said coldly.

All fools know it, but the problem is how to figure it out.

Is this being pissed off?

Shan Yu is not angry at all, why is she angry with a child?

"Are we still in the maze? Is this a new illusion? Or the real interior of the maze?" Shan Yu changed the subject.

Gu Qi suddenly pointed to a place outside the forest: "There, there is a fire."

"Go and see?"

Gu Qi started first and walked in that direction.

When the two approached, they found that it was an older hotel.

There are two lanterns hanging on the left and right of the entrance of the hotel, and the flames that Gu Qi saw came from the lanterns.

The wooden door of the hotel was ajar, and there was a faint white light inside.

Shan Yu: "Do you want to go in?"

There is a hotel in the wild, and it is still in the maze. It is a bit weird no matter how you look at it, but there is no better place to go now.

"Go." Gu Qi spit out a word lightly, and walked directly into the hotel.

Seeing this, Shan Yu had no choice but to follow.


Inside the hotel.

In front of the counter, an old man wearing glasses was flipping through books, and when he heard the movement at the door, he asked without raising his head:
"Staying or eating?"

"500 for a hotel stay, 200 for a meal."

Gu Qi directly threw a gold bar in the past.

When the old man saw that it was a gold bar, he quickly put it in his pocket.

Gu Qi: "Two rooms."

"Two guests, please follow me." The old man closed the book and walked out of the counter.

(End of this chapter)

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