Bug in survival game

Chapter 620 Nightmare Labyrinth 15

Chapter 620 Nightmare Labyrinth 15
somewhere in the maze.

A man and a woman walk together.

"Qianqian, don't worry, I will definitely protect you." Seeing that the woman still looked terrified, the man comforted her.

The woman slowly approached the man's back, and finally the whole body seemed to stick in, her voice trembling: "Thank you...I, I'm not so scared anymore."

The man was so dependent on his girlfriend, and his expression suddenly became proud.

Hey, this guardian mission is not bad.

Not only can you get rewards easily, but you can also enjoy the dependence of your originally deserted girlfriend.

While the man was complacent, suddenly, a stabbing pain came from his back. He immediately wanted to turn around, but was tightly entangled by the woman who turned out to be a little bird behind him!

And at some point in the woman's hand, there was already an extra dagger, and half of the blade pierced into the back of the man's chest.

"I'm sorry..." The woman murmured softly as she put her head next to the man's ear.

"you you……"

Blood dripped from the corner of the man's mouth, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was shocked.


After the man was completely out of breath, the woman let go of the man's body and let him fall to the ground.

"Hahahaha... I succeeded!" The woman's hands were covered with blood. She killed her boyfriend, but she didn't care, and looked crazy.

"50 game coins! Soon, I will be able to exchange for the Dream Restoration Potion..."

The woman fell into the beautiful future she fantasized about, without even noticing that a group of black shadows were slowly approaching at the feet behind her...




Fantasy world.

A large truck and two vans were parked beside a wild road.

Beside the big truck, a few men were smoking cigarettes boredly.

In the nearby grove, from time to time, the sounds of men beating and scolding and girls crying could be heard.

"Still running or not? Still running or not?"


After a while, the girl in the grove was brought back to the car.

And in the compartment of the large truck, there were more than a dozen young girls, their faces full of panic and helplessness.

The compartment was locked, and several men boarded one after another.

At this time, at the edge of the grove, Shan Yu's figure slowly walked out.

Shan Yu deliberately approached those cars, and the men in the car were all busy with their own affairs, so they didn't see Shan Yu at all.

"An illusion again?"

Shan Yu called softly: "Ya Ya." However, there was no response.

Shan Yu frowned slightly, why couldn't she feel the existence of inventory and Yaya at all?What is this going to do?
These people... don't seem to be able to see themselves?
Shan Yu slowly remembered that she fell asleep in the hotel... Could it be because of this reason that she entered the illusion again?It's really hard to guard against...

"Now this situation... Tsk, it seems, I remember it a little bit." Shan Yu folded his hands on his chest, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

Shan Yu watched helplessly as several cars started and left.

In front of my eyes, the screen turned——

The same few cars are now parked in front of the entrance of a small village in a remote mountainous area.

In front of the village entrance.

After a man negotiated with the head of the village, the five most beautiful girls were left behind.

As for Shan Yu, who seemed like an outsider, from the beginning to the end, she watched the scene with a smile on her face, her eyes were terribly calm, like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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