Bug in survival game

Chapter 622 Nightmare Labyrinth 17

Chapter 622 Nightmare Labyrinth 17
The girl was beaten for a whole night, and in the latter part of the night, the young man was a little tired from the beating and lost his good mood, so he left the woodshed.

The girl hugged her body and buried her head in the haystack. The tears she had been holding on for a long time finally flowed out...but this was just the beginning.

the next day.

The girl was imprisoned in the pigsty. The smelly environment made the girl a little uncomfortable. She ate three meals a day in the pigsty, eating with the pigs.

The two men in this family would beat and scold the girl and the other woman if something went wrong.

The girl would still resist, and then be beaten harder, but the woman was used to it, and when she was beaten, she remained motionless without the slightest resistance.

After seven days in a row, the girl was almost out of shape, with many bruises and bruises on her body.

And just before the sun went down, the girl was taken out of the pigsty and suddenly allowed to eat at the table.

The sudden change of attitude made the girl a little at a loss, and she became secretly vigilant.

But facing a table of normal people eating, the girl was a little impatient, and reached out to grab the food on the table and started to eat.

And that night, the girl returned to the firewood room again.

The girl was lying on the haystack. Slowly, her vision became blurred and her head began to feel dizzy.

Just when the girl was about to lose consciousness, a young man and a woman came in.

The woman held a bundle of hemp rope in her hand, and went over to tie the girl's hands without saying a word.

The girl wanted to struggle, but was horrified to find that her whole body was limp and unable to exert any strength.

By the time the girl realized that there might be something wrong with tonight's meal, it was already too late.

"go out."

After seeing the woman doing a good job, the young man asked people to leave directly.

After the woman closed the door, the young man revealed his true colors all of a sudden, with a wretched smile on his face: "Now, you should be honest..."

"Get out... get out!"


After a night.

The energetic youth went out to work.

The door of the small firewood room was quietly pushed open, and a woman came in with a basin and a set of women's clothes.

Regarding the situation inside, the woman was not surprised, and began to deal with the scene.

For more than half a month, every night, the candles in the small firewood room burned for most of the night before they were extinguished.

And when the one-month deadline ended, the girl who stayed in this house was carried away by a strange man in a sack and went to the next house...

In this way, the cycle repeats.

One year, two years... Of the original five girls, only the most beautiful girl remained.

Soon, a batch of new goods began to be brought into the village as "old", and the girl was gradually forgotten by people...

From the beginning to the end, Shan Yu watched all this calmly like an outsider.

I don't know how long it took, everything around me was stilled.

"Continue, why don't you continue?" Seeing that the illusion had been stopped, Shan Yu shouted towards the empty front.

Shan Yu's tone was slightly ridiculed:

"Why don't you continue, the next stage will be a good show."

"For example, the whole village was drugged and burned to death while dreaming sweet dreams."

"There are 250 people in the whole village, and there are no survivors. It's really gratifying."

"The poor and simple villagers died, but the vicious murderer who killed them took away the only ox cart in the village, several bags of grain, and most of their savings, and finally walked away... Tsk tsk, what a bad person left behind for thousands of years. "

(End of this chapter)

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