Bug in survival game

Chapter 629 Nightmare Labyrinth 24

Chapter 629 Nightmare Labyrinth 24
Shan Yu was also winking, and pretended to turn his head to Gu Qi and said: "Little brother, you go back to the room first, and my sister will look for you later."

little brother? ?

Gu Qi's originally calm face suddenly sank slightly.

But at this moment, Shan Yu turned his back to the three of them, and quietly winked at Gu Qi.

"..." Gu Qi suppressed the depression in his heart, turned his head back to the room without saying a word.

Before entering the room, Gu Qi heard the woman 'framing' himself:
"The kid I just picked up outside has a shy personality..."

Feeling dissatisfied... This woman is really good at making things up.

Shan Yu was explaining, when he heard a heavy door closing behind him.

...Uh, the little brat won't be angry, will he?

"Okay, it's just a child NPC." That Ji brother didn't care much about a five-year-old child.Continuing the topic just now: "Beauty, what do you think?"

Ji Ge's appearance is Asian, but whenever he speaks, Shan Yu's panel will pop up and automatically translate.

It can be seen that Ji Ge is not a Chinese, but a foreigner.

It's no wonder that when he saw Shan Yu, he was only amazed by the latter's beauty, but he didn't guess her real identity in the first time. After all, Shan Yu didn't take the international route, but was just a household name in China That's all.

"How do you want to cooperate?" Shan Yu was also looking at the three of them.

The female player is also Asian, while the other male player named 'Ange' is Caucasian.

These three people don't seem to know each other in reality, they should meet in the game.

And the reason for the three of them to come together...Shan Yu boldly guessed that it might be related to the mission of killing and protecting.

As for who took the killing mission and who took the guardian mission, the situation is unclear now, and it's hard to say.

At this time, the female player said softly: "Stay with us, if you encounter any difficulties, just help each other."

"That's right, Yaoyao is right."


The two male players couldn't wait to chime in.

Shan Yu habitually wore a fake smile on his face: "Okay."


The two male players showed great hospitality to the female player. Regardless of the reason of being fascinated by beauty, it is very likely that the object of their protection is this female player.

I just don't know, who will be the mission object of this female player?

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

Let Gu Qi show his face and confirm the identity of the three players by the way. The two goals have been achieved, and Shan Yu doesn't want to stay any longer, so he is ready to leave.

Seeing that Shan Yu was about to leave, Yaoyao said again: "Sister, how about I share a room with you, I'm a little..."

Shan Yu smiled and refused directly: "Sorry, I like to sleep alone, and I believe these two handsome gentlemen will guard you like the Chinese door gods."

elder sister?

Sister, you uncle... I am in the prime of life 24, don't think that if you pretend to be tender on purpose, the old lady will not notice that you have eye wrinkles. It is not certain who is older than the other.

"...Then, that's fine." Yaoyao had no choice but to give up.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, I will definitely protect you!"

"Yes! Like the Huaxia goalkeeper!"


They are all foreigners, and they don't know much about what the Chinese door gods are, but when it comes to the word "God", they must all be very high-level existences.

Shan Yu who turned to leave finally couldn't help grinning.

Two licking dogs with unclear thoughts... It seems that it is a bit inappropriate to compare them to door gods.

(End of this chapter)

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