Bug in survival game

Chapter 631 Nightmare Labyrinth 26

Chapter 631 Nightmare Labyrinth 26
at the same time.

In the black forest.

"Come on! Don't run if you have the guts! Stop!"

An angry and pleasant female voice sounded, which disturbed the surrounding crows to fly away from the branches.

Su Tingyu drank another bottle of acceleration potion, and his running speed increased to another level, but there was still a distance from the black face dodging hastily in front of him.

After chasing for a long time, Su Tingyu, who had a flying stick in one hand and a death blade in the other, finally let the black face escape.

Su Tingyu was a little aggrieved.

... This round of dungeons is over, she must find a prop that runs fast.

There was no other way, Su Ting went back the same way, full of anger.

Beside a small lake, Su Tingyu saw the figures of the big gray and the little residual flower left here... and a boy who seemed to be only about 12 years old.

"Qiqi, I didn't catch up." Su Tingyu approached the boy with a face full of disappointment, pointing fingers in front of him with both hands entangled.

The boy said, "It's okay." As he spoke, he pulled off some clothes that were obviously too big and didn't fit.

Su Tingyu opened his eyes slightly: "Then what do you do now? Can you change back in this round of dungeons?"

Su Tingyu stretched out his little finger, and curiously poked the little face of Qin Qi, who was about the same height as him now.

The more you poke, the better it feels.

Qin Qi stretched out his hand to grab Su Tingyu's flailing claws, and held it in his palm: "It's okay, just clear the level as soon as possible and return to reality."

"Yeah." Su Tingyu nodded his head twice: "Next time! If I see that big black face again, I will definitely catch it!"

It really blows up the little fairy.

After they came out of that white space, they came here. Seeing that it was getting late, they thought about camping on the spot, but fell into a new round of illusions in their dreams.

This time, Su Tingyu woke up first, and found a big black face floating above the sleeping Qin Qi.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Intuition told Su Tingyu that this must be a bad thing.

Sure enough, when Qin Qi woke up, his body suddenly shrank.

And the biggest suspicion must be that big black face that appeared out of thin air.

It's a pity that although Su Tingyu's death blade can threaten the big black face and make the latter run away quickly, there is no way to keep him.

Ever since, there was the scene of Su Tingyu chasing the big black face.

"... I don't know if Gu Jiu and Sister Shan Yu will encounter such a situation? What the hell is this big black face?"

The main mission of the two has been updated just now, but this kind of main story that is advancing step by step is full of unknown mysteries, just like the maze they are in at the moment, and there is still too little information to be obtained.

Now, we can only take one step at a time.

"You're tired from chasing, right? Rest first, let Dahui and the others keep watch." Qin Qi took Su Tingyu's little hand and walked towards the tent.

"Alright, look for it in the daytime!" Su Tingyu turned his head and shouted to Dahui: "Dahui, you guys keep vigil~"

Big Hui: "Okay! Master! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Little Remnant Flower swayed and responded.

"Huh? Shall we sleep in a tent?"

"Well...the tent is very big, you can sleep separately, the main reason is..."

Before Qin Qi could continue talking, Su Tingyu said "oh", and suddenly realized, he added: "It's to prevent that big black face from making a sneak attack, right! Then let's go together!"

Qin Qi's eyes flicked across the girl's unaware face, he looked calm, and hummed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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