Bug in survival game

Chapter 637 Nightmare Labyrinth 32

Chapter 637 Nightmare Labyrinth 32
"Hehe, no need!"

Shan Yu's eyes changed slightly, he stepped back into the door, and stretched out his hand to close the door.

But in the next second, Ji Ge quickly blocked the door that was about to close, gritted his teeth slightly, pushed all the people and the door open, and then strode into the door.

in the room.

Gu Qi glanced at Shan Yu, who kept retreating, and looked away, and landed on Ji Ge who had just entered the door.

Ji Ge looked at the situation in the room, and seeing that there was only one child, he suddenly laughed out loud: "Beauty, why are you running? I won't eat you." As he spoke, Ji Ge's eyes unconsciously moved Shan Yu's body was free.

... This Huaxia girl has a good figure too.

The panel message that Ji Ge just received was a refresh of the guardian and killing missions. This time, he received the killing mission, and the first person he saw was Shan Yu.

Therefore, Shan Yu has now become his target of killing.

"Why don't you give some hope first, play for a while, and then kill people..." This thought flashed through Ji Ge's mind.

Suddenly, the five-year-old child sitting on the sofa spoke:
"go out."

"Hey!" Ji Ge's face turned cold: "Don't meddle in your own business, little brat."

An NPC child, at first glance, is not a key NPC, probably just a background cannon fodder, Ji Ge didn't take it to heart, and still approached Shan Yu's direction step by step.

But Ji Ge didn't notice that behind him, on the wall above the door, there was a petite figure.

At this time, Shan Yu was also [-]% sure that he guessed the reason why Ji Ge's attitude changed drastically: "Are you trying to kill me now?"

"Haha, you are very smart, beauty, be sensible, don't resist, I can give you a good time."

Ji Ge didn't care that Shan Yu could see his intentions. In his eyes, the latter was already in his pocket. He took out a trident weapon from the inventory and pointed it at Shan Yu.

Ji Ge waited for Shan Yu to beg for mercy, so that he could deliberately pretend to be soft-hearted and let her go, and then...

Contrary to Ji Ge's expectation, Shan Yu didn't beg for mercy, but changed the subject: "Aren't you wondering why your two companions died?"

Ji Ge frowned: "What do you mean? Could it be... you killed them all?!"

"No~No~No~" Shan Yu gently waved the index finger of his right hand: "It was your female companion who killed your other companion, do you know why she killed him? Think about the mission you just got."

"What's the use of saying this now? Delaying time?" Although Ji Ge was very surprised, but everyone died, and he was not a real friend. He couldn't possibly care about the cause of An Ge's death.

Shan Yu pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Is there really no room for negotiation? Didn't you say you want to cooperate last night?"

Ji Ge sneered: "Naive." This woman has no brains, huge interests come first, really think that the so-called cooperative relationship is very strong?
"Hey..." Shan Yu turned to look at Gu Qi, shrugged: "There is nothing to talk about."

Just when Ji Ge was surprised by Shan Yu's approach, thin transparent threads suddenly appeared around him.

"What's this……"

Before Ji Ge could fully react, a thin transparent thread flashed across Ji Ge's neck.

In less than a second, a line of blood appeared, and after that, a large amount of blood flowed out.

When Ji Ge felt the pain, he subconsciously wanted to cover his neck with his hand, but when he raised his left hand to his eyes, he was horrified to find that the entire palm was gone, leaving only the neatly cut bloody wrist.


(End of this chapter)

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